Chapter Thirty-Five.

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Chapter Thirty Five - Little Plastic Bag

Summer's POV


It has been 3 weeks since Brad suspiciously lied to me and over those weeks he's been rather clingy: calling,texting,kissing,cuddling twenty four seven - it was quite cute sometimes. I was still ill, being sick often and my stomach aching but I believe it's nothing. Just stress.

"Summer!" A voice gasped as a sob innocently left my mouth. I was kneeled by the toilet wrenching. My hands were pale as i gripped on both sides of the seat. I was coughing uncontrollably letting whatever was upsetting my stomach out. Lydia gently kneeled down beside me taking hold of my hair back and rubbing my back.

"Being sick isn't nice." I chuckled weakly, looking at Lydia who had concern in her eyes. "Don't look at me like that, I'm fine!"

"You've been saying that for the last month." She sighed in annoyance. "Let me go and call Brad!"

"No..please don't call him." I whimpered in a small voice. "I don't want to worry him whilst at the studio."

"Well, is there anything I can do?" She offered politely shifting my body around.

"It's just sickness, it will pass." I silently prayed.

"How often have you been throwing up?"

"Feels like every morning." I admitted with a huge sign. "Bloody flu and stress-"

"Every morning?" She repeated raising her eyebrow.

"That's what I said!" I rolled my eyes to see a small smile on her face.

"Summer, have you and Brad.. you know." She whispered embarrassed. "Had sex?"

"Why do you even want to know about mine and Brad's sex life?" I laughed.

"Just answer the question!" She snapped.

"Yes." I giggled childishly. "I don't see why you need to know all this, it isn't going to help my flu-"

"Summer, I don't think it's the flu."

"Maybe it's a sickness bug."

"Not that either." She said biting down her lip. "Another question, how many days late is your period? Is it late?"

"Thinking about it, it's 5 days late." I gulped as the feeling of sickness overwhelmed me.

"I think you're pregnant."

"Pregnant!" I exclaimed throwing my hands in the air in disbelief. "I can't be pregnant, I'm only seventeen and Brad is only eighteen. We're practically children ourselves."

"I'm not hundred per cent certain you are but you've been sick in the morning, your period is late, you've been having mood swings recently and you've had sex-"

"Without contraception." I whispered in a disappointed tone as I placed my hands on my stomach. "There's a person growing inside me, someone that Brad and I have made with our careless ways."

"Let's not jump to conclusion,first you'll need to take a test which means going to the shops." She said calmly. "I can ring up Connor and he can pick it up on his way back from the studio-"

"No!" I shook my head as a tear spilled. "You can't tell him because he'll tell Brad."

"Brad will have to find out sooner or later." She reminded me. "That is if it's Brad's baby."

"Of course it is!" I spat out. "I've only ever had sex with him."

"I'll go and grab my car keys whilst you sort yourself out." Lydia sighed sympathetically.

"Please don't be pregnant." I whispered to myself as i threw on a pair of jogging bottoms and a hoddie then scraped my hair until into a messy bun. Shortly afterwards Lydia returned ready to leave.

"Everything will be fine even if it comes up postive." She reminded me softly reversing out of the car.

"For me maybe." I whispered glaring out of the car window. "Not for Brad, he will go absolutely crazy-"

"You don't know that."

"We haven't discussed having a family, he might not even want kids and he needs to think of the band not me and possibly his child."

"Whatever the result and decision is, he'll support you like the boys and I will." She smiled before parking the car in the car park.

"Do you mind if you sit here and wait?" I asked politely.

"You don't want me to come in-"

"All I need to do is buy the stick and pee, I think I can manage." I lightly laughed opening the car door.

"Ok, you'll be fine!" She said again as I wandered into the shop, in search of the pregnancy stick.

"That will be ten pounds please." The cashier smiled, I handed her over the note in exchange for the stick. "And good luck."

"It's not for me." I lied. "It's for my friend, she's waiting in the toilets. I think she was ashamed of buying it."

"It's nothing to be ashamed off even at this young age." She smiled again. I nodded and walked away to the bathroom. Thankfully the toilets were empty and I walked into a private cubical taking out the pink and white stick.

"Please." I repeated several times, holding my breath. Peeing on a stick was extremely harder than i had expected. I cleaned myself up readjusted my jogging bottoms before washing my hands.

Now the dreaded wait...

"Please be negative."


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Love you all X

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