Chapter 2

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Salacia got out of the town car, which had taken them to their destination, almost hesitantly. The said destination happened to be an enormous beach villa far into the woods that surrounded the city. When she had been on her father's jet first coming into the city to start her new life, she had seen the sea of green that searched all around the perimeter of the city, as well as the ocean surrounding it. But she hadn't realized how far it actually did stress however.

As they had driven farther away from the city, Salacia had felt the odd sensation of being watched. It had been quite unpleasant but had receded as the atmosphere in the car became more fun. Camille was in the car - the small pale blue beach dress she wore highlighted the colour in her eyes as did her hair that tonight she was wearing in wild curls - as well as Victoria, looking as bored and unconcerned as she always did. Salacia was in a white wrap around dress she had bought the previous week at an exclusive exhibition she was invited too and for a change had straightened her hair so that in it fell down her back in sleek waves.

Victoria was sitting next to her boyfriend, Max, whose car they were currently ridding in. she had never before met Max but he seemed nice and open.

They turned even further off the road and down a dirt path. From then on they rode only a short distance before they reached a small clearing where a number of cars were parked. A lot of cars, Salacia noticed.

"Here! I see the path Neil told me about." Cried Max. The three girls made their way towards where max stood next to another even tinier path. It was covered with trees, such that Salacia could only see a few feet into the path.

"There is no way I'm taking one step in there." Stated Camille with finality. Victoria nodded in agreement. Salacia felt a wave of relief wash over her. She didn't want to walk into the path anymore than Camille did, but hadn't wanted to be the one who said it.

Before anything else could be said however a voice spoke from into the pathway. At the same time a body emerged from the darkness carrying a bright led lamp. "There you guys are. Common follow me. Don't worry the path is completely safe."

Salacia didn't recognize the guy but he was very handsome if a little ragged. She had come to realize that almost everyone in this elite circle of friends was unnaturally good looking.

"Neil! Its good to see you man!" said max clapping the boy, Neil, on the back. Neil grinned, looking equally pleased.

"It really has been too long." Said Victoria.

Camille nodded along with Victoria.

"This is Salacia by the way. She moved here a few months ago." Said Camille, smiling.

"Hi, its good to meet you." Said Neil graciously. " But we have a party to get to now. Come on."


"I'm not sleeping with him. Not yet at least." Camille told Vicky.

After arriving at the party, she had immediately lost track of Salacia, Camille had made a beeline for the bar. She unfortunately had not lost track of Vicky. She didn't know why but Vicky always seemed to have issues with Kingsley. It had been the same before he had left for college.

Fortunately though she did not have to endure Vicky for too long as Neil joined them.

Neil seemed to sense the mood of the conversation and quickly gave up trying to lighten it. Then he tried a new tactic.

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