Chapter 3

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Camille never usually got hung-over, but when she did her hangovers were bad. Lucky enough for her this was not such a time. She woke up fresh and perky, feeling only a mild throbbing in her  forehead. The bed next to her was empty. So Salacia had woken up early and snuck out. To meet Jaden of course thought Camille warily. Silly lovesick fools. Though the thought of love brought dark hair and eyes to her mind. Kinsley’s dark hair and eyes. The image made her feel suddenly gleeful, like a.....

     Quickly throwing off the silk bed covers that had been snugly wrapped around her, she made her way towards the bathroom. After following through with her usual morning rituals she halted. She had nothing to wear. The thought struck her this time as somewhat amusing when usually it would have caused dread. Salacia and Camille’s bags, which they were going to take with them to Europe, were still in their car. Both of them had stripped of their dresses the previous night and hadn’t had any energy left to do anything but fall onto the bed and sleep.

She pulled on the dress she had been wearing the earlier night and hastily ran her fingers through her hair. Opening the door she walked out nervously.

     Finding the stair way she walked downstairs. They were all outside. Salacia, Bliss, Vicky, Jaden, Neil, Max, Anne, Piper, Kevin, and Kingsleywere sitting around a large pleasant looking rectangulartable on the deck she had danced on the previous night. How different everything looked in the clear clean light of day. The place was a mess. Broken glass scattered around the floor along with other items Camille had no interest in examining. And to her pleasant surprise she saw three of her bags waiting for her opposite to the door leading to the deck.

     “There’s our sleeping beauty.” Jaden commented loudly from the table, spotting her. “Had a good sleep?”

     “Well enough.” Camille said walking out and taking a seat between Salacia and Bliss, not acknowledging anyone else’s presence. “ You could have woken me up.” She accused Salacia still keeping her tone bland and neutral.

     “I'm sorry. I was with Jaden. I didn’t think you’d be up this soon.”

     “You don’t seem hung-over.” Vicky speculated, she was sitting opposite her on the table.

     “No, I don’t usually get hangovers.”

     “Lucky you. I'm beat.” Max groaned. He was sitting two seats down from her, next to Bliss.

Amid the buzz of conversation around her, Camille leaned forward on the table, greedily looking at the large spread of food on the table. There were eggs, toasts, bacon, fruits, croissants, puddings, pies, and three types of juices.

     Lifting the plate in front of her she loaded her plate with a little of each. Everything tasted divine. It melted in her mouth. Who made this?

     As if on cue a short plump woman came through the door, “Is everything alright sir?” she asked anxiously to a Kingsley that had been intently staring at her.

     “Everything’s perfectly delicious as always, Mrs. Carr.”


     Jaden was staring at her. Salacia wished he would stop, surely someone at the table was bound to notice. She shifted her attention to Camille. She and Kingsley were staring at each other, and it made her feel as if she had intruded on a private moment.

     “Camille!” she said snapping the girl out of her, no doubt scandalous thoughts. “Don’t you want to go change? Jaden helped me bring our bags inside. They are by the door.” She said motioning.

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