Chapter 2 - The House Of Night

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After jerking my head up from my chest for the third time, I decided it would be safer to pull over and take a quick nap; I may be rebellious, but I don't have a death wish! Urrgh, I felt like my head would explode! After locking the doors, and yet another coughing fit (I blame SHIT, seriously, not a nice place), I set my head on the passengers seat, and dozed off.


Dear Diary,

I had a really weird dream that I blame on my cough, cold, flu, whatever. A beautiful woman had come up to me, where I was, for some reason, lying on a bed of feathers. Black feathers. She had said something about me being Night's Scout? Or maybe me being her spy was the important thing? Oh well. Delusional dreams, what you gonna do. Anyway, now that is out of my system, I can finally focus on the NOW. I am out of the orphanage! No more Mrs Imma-Bang-On-Your-Doors-At-6-In-The-Morning-Just-So-I-Can-Hurry-Up-And-Have-You-Away-From-Me (yeah, I'm not a morning person) and no more SHIT!! ...The school. Yay! Now I am going to this place called the House Of Night. It's a school for vampires, like me. Well, technically I am still a 'fledgling' but who cares. Hee hee, wonder what I'm gonna study there; Biology, the best ways to extract blood? Or maybe Literature, how to communicate with the old classed vampires? Or they might even teach us the 'Eat Well Plate'. Ha! I can imagine what that would be like! Type B+ is the most nutritious, however we must stay away from O-. LOL! Anyway, I gotta go; better get ready for my first time entering the Vamp School.


When I finally arrived at my new school, it had just turned 8pm, but the place was alive with activity! I guess I shouldn't have been so surprised, I mean it is a school for dead people! Or undead...oh whatever, I'm just glad this stupid cough has stopped! Just as I stepped through the door, this lady in all black stepped in my way. I didn't even notice her!


I hope I learn that.

Anyway, the woman-I mean vampyre-had dark brown hair and gorgeous eyes! What, my eyes are boring so I like to appreciate what I didn't get. They were so exotic and pure, though they clearly displayed hardships that she must have faced. Yeah, I'm that good. I would like to tell you her skin colour, but whatever wasn't covered by her outfit was covered in tattoos. They where obviously vampyre tattoos, but I had never seen so many! She then decided to interrupt my inner rambling to introduce herself.

"Good evening, young fledgling, I was informed of your arrival. I am glad you are well, and didn't take your time coming here." Her voice was kind but also held an undertone of power that she tried to hide.

"Of course, there's no reason for me to stay there anyway, the all were glad to see me leave." She didn't show any sign that she had heard my response apart from a flicker of sympathy that she quickly hid. Good. I don't want or need pity.

"Welcome to the House of Night, where you will hopefully be spending the next few years. I am Zoey Redbird, High Priestess of the Tulsa House of Night and your new mentor.


Sorry for the massive wait! And I know I said this was on hiatus, but I saw it and just had an inspiration that I just couldn't wait to get down! Yes, in my story, Zoey and the others are all grown up! * sob* And this is where I need your help! Yes, Danny has entered, but I have no idea for friends! OC's please! It will be truly appreciated! Just put name, description, personality etc. You can do whatever you like (within reason) so go wild! I hope you like! Rose out! XD

Edit: Spellcheck complete! And I still need those OC's... XD

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