Forever Chasing After You

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The lights, the sounds, the music. All of it flows through the crisp night air under the crescent moon and brightly shining stars. Crowds bustle about in a hurry, chattering and laughing as they move from one glittering attraction to the next. The scent of freshly baked sweets wafts from every corner, and lingers in the air. It's all so intoxicating. All so new, so bright, so beautiful. I never want to leave.

Gazing about, trying to take it all in at once, I bump into you. You whip around and harshly sneer at me. The crowd moves on in spite of us, creating a slight opening where no one takes any notice of us, only paying enough mind to maintain the gap.

Your cocky and confident air, and bullying manner make me more timid than usual, shying away into myself, just wanting to disappear into the crowd. You decide to introduce yourself, and say your name is Crow, and badger me with questions. Asking what I'm doing, where I came from, who I am, why I'm here, and cutting off my responses half way to throw more questions at me. All the while examining my apparently strange appearance, even though your attire is strange too, and seeming to have taken a bit of an interest in me, or at least something of mine.

Snatching it off my neck, you examine my locket, admiring it and the lights reflecting off of it brilliantly, and commenting on it and how you believe it would be better off in your hands than mine. I try to steal it back, protesting that it's important to me, but you skillfully weave in and out of the crowd to avoid me, obviously having had a lot of practice at it. You taunt me, saying I'll have to chase after you to get it back, and make my desperation to get the locket back seem idiotic as you disappear off into the mass of people. I quickly dash after you, barely keeping you in my sight, but every time I try to catch you and think I almost might, you evade me.

I refuse to give up, despite my lack of luck, continuing to pursue you, running and bumping into more people than I can count, chasing after you and playing along with your little game of cat and mouse. You force me to chase you around the merry-go-round, through tall grass and tea cups, and through restricted areas and the rails of a rollercoaster. I persist through it all despite my aching limbs shouting at me to stop, to rest for even a moment. I try to ignore it all for the simple sake of getting my prized locket back that I treasured so dearly.

Thinking that you're clever, witty, or just to spite me, after one of my failed attempts to catch you, you decide to investigate why I'm so intent on getting the necklace back. Popping it open, inside all you remark seeing is worthless junk. Regarding it all as meaningless, even though I insist differently and continue to plead for you to return it to me, you simply snap it shut again, and slide it back into your pocket, again insisting that you'll never give it back, and that I should just give up and let you keep it.

I'm at my wits end, and you've gone and disappeared again. I resign myself to the likely possibility that I'll never get it back, and allow myself to finally take a break from sprinting after you and constantly apologizing to the people I run into along the way. I wipe away tears that threaten to drip from my eyes at the thought of losing something that held so many memories, forever. Everything I held dear to me, gone, in the hands of a reckless, cold-hearted fool.

I pick myself up, if for no other reason than to not be an eyesore in the shadows any longer. Dragging myself through the crowd, it's apparent that I've lost hope, knowing there's no way I'll find the thief in this place, having no energy left to chase him, and no idea where he is. Letting myself be directed and guided by the whims and movements of the crowd, I find myself in the center area. Merry-go-round in the center of everything, ornate and beautiful, like a complimenting, matching centerpiece to the Ferris wheel at the far end of the area. That's when I see you, somewhere no one should be, somehow out of sight and out of mind, atop the center support of the Ferris wheel. On your perch, where none seem to take notice you, you appear to be looking for something, or someone. It looks like you're just sitting there, bored out of your mind, waiting, watching. I stop in my tracks, and the crowd just shifts around me. I can't help but wonder if it's me you're looking for, but no sooner is the guess released into my mind than it is shot down.

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