Chapter 10

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HEY DUDES!!!!!!!! I know its been like forever since i wrote anything but I am getting back into my publishing schedule so I should start publishing again anyway on with the story!


Herobrines P.O.V

            "I knew it. That's the first thing that people see when they look at me. My eyes, my curse."  I thought to myself feeling the loneliness of the darkness that surrounded me. I could not see it but I felt it. "hssss" I turned to see a creeper coming toward me. I ran back toward Ender she jumped as I came running into the firelight. "what!" she yelled before I could even get out a word panting I yelled "Run!" as I passed her but I didn't hear footsteps coming after me. I turned to see her standing still as if she was frozen "Come on!" I yelled but she still didn't move. I could not believe this. I ran back with all the speed that I could I grabbed her arm and yelled "Earth to Ender! RUN!" she jumped at my touch and began to run in front of me I ran after her. 

Ender's P.O.V

            I ran like my life depended on it as a matter of fact it did. I went to unsheathe my sword as I went but realized that it had broken on my last trip into the mine and I had forgotten to make another. "Great"   I thought "All I have is a stone pickax"  I got it out, it would have to do. Herobrine was Gaining on me as were the mobs. He had his sword out and was running like the wind. I kept on running for my life then I stopped suddenly, I didn't know the way out. Herobrine passed me and yelled "This way!" he ran in the direction I was going. "good" I thought "I'm not completely lost"  I ran after him with all the speed I could muster. He turned suddenly to the left, I followed after. "Grrrr" "Hiss" "rattle" I could hear the mobs behind us. Suddenly there was one in front of me, a zombie. I screamed and swung at its head it went in blood gushed out I tried to pull it out but I couldn't. The other mobs were closer, I pulled harder trying to get it out. I was about to leave it and run when a sword stuck through the back of of the zombie. It turned red then dissipated into smoke. My pick fell to the ground. "thanks" I said he just nodded and turned around, and began to run again. I picked up my pick and ran after him. 

                    I  caught up to him and we ran for a bit in silence. Then he suddenly turned to the right into a dark tunnel. We ran faster and faster, then I saw light at the end of the tunnel. I ran even faster in hopes of getting there sooner. I was almost there, I was almost out. I was at the entrance then a creeper appeared in front of me. It turned white then green then white again hissed then exploded. 


da da daaaaa! hahaha sry to leave you with a cliff hanger XD(no im not XD) anyway hope you liked it I will publish another chapter tomorow! but until then fare you well were ever you fare. and don't forget toooooooo...






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