Practical Pranks

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This girl is a serious jerk to me and and all my friends. So on One day we wrote a not to get even with her.... This girl would spread rumors about me and laughed and LIED to my face. The note was like this: Dear ________ Please forgive me for writing this in a note, but I like you. Meet me outside, I go by P.I.E. Ask for me and they'll point you to me. :) -Pie.

Me and my friend (Can't say, she knows who she is :D ) put it in her locker and waited for the end of the day. All through classes she would brag to me "I got a secret Admirer! What did you get, A slut?" Obviously she found out about Hailey. (Not my school hailey, another ): ) Obviously I was angry. I practically was enjoying Russian demonic aura.

At the end of the day I was angry. very angry. elosia and I waited outside. lots of people were. She had blabbed it out to the school. Hilarious! She went around asking for pie! Ha! She called my ex a slur and spread rumors about me, I was happy. But sorry. I apologized the next day, all was good.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2013 ⏰

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