Chapter 25.

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"Make sure you take care of her and Zaina if you need anything then call me. You have my number now." Sheila Aunty says as she stood up with her sister to go. They were actually here to take some of Aunty things as they were going to visit Hadi sister for next two weeks.

"Y-yes Aunty." I said nervously. I don't know if I should tell her or not that I can't contact her.

"Don't worry Mom. I promise I will take care of her." Hadi step in our conversation and assure Aunty. She smiled at him. I don't know why he suddenly he is being so protective it is not that I am special for him.

"I know Hadi. Now we will take our leave and be careful. Zaina please do file case against your husband and show him you are not weak. Okay?" She looked at me with a serious look. I nodded with a small smile. I don't know why I agree, but when she say Hadi will take care of it I know he will. 

"Allah Hafiz" Hadi say as they step out of the door. I also gave my quick goodbye and went in room because I know Hadi want to talk about a filing case against Karim. I lay on the bed and stare at the ceiling blankly.

I don't know if I should really do it or not, but I don't want Hadi to involve in my matters. It will hurt him. If Karim knows I am taking Hadi help he will hurt Hadi and take me away from here. I don't want to go back. I am fine here. At least Hadi is a nice guy and is ready to help me after knowing everything. He is not even disgusted about me. 

"Zaina." My thoughts were broken I heard Hadi voice from outside of the room. I sigh and decide to do against it and rolled on the other side as I heard him opening the door after 2 knock.

"Zaina, I know you are not sleeping. I want to talk about the case. Please answer me." Hadi pleaded. I open my eyes and look at his soft expression. I came in sitting position and look down at my hands. 

"I know you want to help but please don't force me. I will tell you if I want to file case, but please not now." I look up at him and he nodded with a sigh. I like that he didn't force me to do something that I don't want to. Karim always want me to do what he wants.

"Okay. But please let me know when you are ready." I nodded. He smiles and leave the room. I sighed heavily and lay back before sleep took over me.


It has been few days living with Hadi and it was completely normal days for me. I am not getting beaten, torture or forced for what I am thankful to Allah. I don't know what I have done if Hadi didn't help me that night. Every night after dinner, I thank him for saving my life.

In these few days I get to know more about him, his likes and dislikes, about his family and his job. He showed me his office where he practice and study about the cases. He even showed me short films of his cases in which he practice. The thing I get shocked when I went in his office was two sliding door cupboards where he put his certificates and trophies. When I open it to see if they were real or not he shocked me by saying he had never let anyone touch it before me.

Right now, I am getting ready for going out as Hadi put it. He gave me his sister old clothes that would fit me. They were slightly big, but enough not to fall. I was having problem to comb my hairs as they were still wrapped around the bandage on my head and my arm buries were giving me pain. I didn't even do half of my tangled hair.

"Come in." I call out after wrapping the dupatta around my head and when I heard knocking. After a few seconds, Hadi come inside and look around. He raised his eyebrow when he looked at me up and down. 

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