Going Out(side)

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I didn't realize I had fallen asleep until I awoke to the sound of someone talking. I opened my eyes wearily to see Justin next to me, in the same position as when we had fallen on the bed. He was talking to Ryan about something. I sat up groggily, rubbing my eyes.

"Hello, sleeping beauty," Justin smirked. "By the way, nice hair!" He tried to flatten it with his hand, but I knew it was impossible to tame my bedhead. Ryan smiled at me, trying not to laugh at my appearance. I batted Justin's hand away playfully.

"Pfft, I don't need you people!" I declared. "Does anyone have a hairbrush?" I crawled over Justin to get off the bed.

"Honestly. Who do you think has a hairbrush down here? A group of guys stuck underground aren't going to care about a freaking hairbrush," Ryan said logically. Then he added, "Well, except for Justin."

I looked at him and he reflexively smoothened the top of his brown wave. "It has to look perfect," he said defensively. "Who knows when a papparazzi will come and get me?"

Ryan snorted. "You wish. Papparazzi hunt the more liked celebrities, and frankly, since everyone thinks you're gay, the papparazzi would catch you at just the wrong moment, like when you're picking your nose or something. Hee hee. Gay baby."

Justin raised his eyebrows menacingly, and I decided it was time for me to get out of there. I backed out of Justin's room, and I heard them fighting it out in there. I sniggered and walked into the living room. Erik and Jessie appeared to be passed out on the floor in front of the television. It was actually pretty comical, because their mouths were wide open and snoring. Jeez, did they ever leave this place though?

I heard my stomach rumble, and realized I was extremely famished. I crossed over to the refrigerator and opened it, scanning its contents. Of course, it was empty. Coincidentally, my stomach began hurting whenever I moved, so I sat down on the carpeted floor. I looked around me. It was really a trashy room. There were a couple of posters of sports cars, even one of Megan Fox, at which I had to stifle an eyeroll. The couch behind me was torn and stained, and the TV at the corner of the room was old with bent antennae. The lightbulb above me was flickering. My first impression of this place would have been that it was a hobo mansion. I shook my head, knowing how guys never liked to take proper care of themselves.

I relaxed and closed my eyes. I was still jetlagged from all that had happened. The pandemonium emitting from Justin's room had stopped, and it was starting to feel calm, except for the constant snoring of Erik and Jessie. They were out cold and Erik's torso was sprawled out on Jessie. It was kind of adorable. I was shocked at myself that I could have ever been scared at meeting these guys.

Ryan raced into the room at that moment, his hair ruffled and there was a rip in his flannel shirt. "Sup," he said, sounding like a drunk, his eyes looking everywhere. I giggled. He focused his stare on me, and he smirked. "She's over here!" he called, looking back out into the hall. I raised my eyebrows and got up. I definitely wasn't taking part in this fight of theirs. But before I could do anything, Ryan raced over and lifted me off my feet.

"Hey!" I shrieked, the ground suddenly seeming far away. "Put me down!" I started pounding on his back like a maniac, but Ryan wouldn't give. His hands on my waist made me feel self conscious, and I started kicking the air. "Dude! Not cool!" I let out a little girl scream, going to my last resorts. I seriously did not like being upside down. It always made me dizzy, and occasionally pass out. I coughed. "RYAN!"

"Calm your ti--" he started, but knowing what he would say, I smacked his shoulder as hard as I could.

"Ow!" he yelped. "Hey, I'm just doing this because Justin told me to!" He started jogging back into Justin's room, me bouncing uncomfortably on his shoulder. I sighed irritably. A bunch of lonely guys who needed to get out more. That's what they were.

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