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Justin's Point of View

I found her on the ground, lying as if dead on the forest floor. She was curled up into a fetal position. Her long brown hair fell in cascades around her body, and her face looked calm. It looked much younger than I had ever seen it.

I picked my way through the shadows. Dawn was approaching soon, and the sun's first rays were beginning to make themselves known on the horizon, turning the sky in that direction a golden color. I leaned over her body delicately and picked it up. She didn't wake at my touch. I kissed her lips before I could stop myself. They were cold, which bothered me slightly. It was very chilly out here, and I wondered how she could've fallen asleep in this weather. 

Without hesitation, I carried her towards the tunnel entrance. There was no other place for her until she was awake. When I got to the trap door, I laid her body down carefully. Then I opened the sealed entrance and gave her to Ryan, who was waiting. He carried her down on the ladder and I followed suit. 

Later, when we were all gathered in the makeshift living room, me holding Jade, the other guys sitting around solemnly, we decided to wake her up. 

I put my lips close to her ear. "Jade," I whispered, nuzzling the tip of her earlobe.  

Her eyes fluttered open immediately, although I had not expected her to come to so quickly. Then, she looked up at me with the most amazed expression I had ever seen. 

"Am I dead?" she said in a hoarse voice. I almost laughed, but at the last second refrained from doing so.

"No," I answered softly. "Why would you think that, babe?" 

"But. . ." I watched as she struggled to formulate an answer. "You. . . you died." 

"No I didn't!" I smiled at her. 

"But I came back, and I didn't see you," Jade said in a confused tone. "You were gone." 

"Yeah, but did you honestly think we were going to let him die out there?" Erik called out from the couch opposite of me and Jade. 

Jade struggled to sit up on my lap. I moved out of her way so she could sit properly next to me. Her foggy eyes focused on Erik. 

"You guys weren't there," she said accusingly. "How would you know?" 

Jessie rolled his eyes. "We may be dumb, but we're not idiots." 

"You make no sense," Jade retorted. "So you decided to show up after I left? What the crap is this! If you knew we were there the whole time, why didn't you come help us earlier?" She was definitely not groggy from her sleep anymore. 

"Jade, are you trying to deny that this whole thing happened, that Justin really is dead?" Ryan said incredulously. However, she ignored him completely. She turned to look at me expectantly. 

"Explain. I was worried sick about you and then I show up and then you're not there! I thought you were dead and I was crying and it was a big snotty mess, by the way! Where were you, mister!" she huffed angrily. 

Women. They worry too much, I thought. I coughed and then flashed a nervous smile. "Well. . . it really sucked because Ryan, Jessie and Erik came out of the tunnel the instant you left. They were, um. . . what were you guys going to do?" I asked with curiosity, looking at all three of them. 

 Ryan elbowed Erik and Jessie, who didn't seem too keen upon answering my question. There was a deafening silence as they struggled non verbally over who was going to be the spokesperson. 

"Oh for crying out loud!" I said exasperatedly. "One of you idiots, just tell me the stupid thing you were going to do." 

Erik and Ryan suddenly both prodded Jessie at his waist, and he blushed, pushing back his blonde hair. 

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