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Aiden tossed and turned the whole night through. He couldn't seem to find an ounce of peace anywhere within his head.

His mind was constantly wondering. Thinking. Assessing. Remembering.

He sighed, sitting up and tossing the bed's comforter off of his overheated skin. He sat up and leaned against the wall. The night air dancing along his skin.

He was utterly restless. She was on his mind. Constantly on his mind. Since the first day he had caught her eyeing his childhood home with that greedy glint in her dark eyes she had ceased to leave his thoughts.

He raked a hand through his hair, pushing the curly mass back and staring at the darkness around him.

Her words were echoing around in his head.

"Men like you play with gullible hearts like it's a normal thing to do! I'm not...I don't want to end up like her."

He licked his suddenly dry lips and frowned. "End up like who?" He mumbled to himself as her words continued to echo in a never ending spiral in his head. He groaned, he didn't know how much longer he could take this. Being around her without touching her, without making love to her was starting to physically hurt.

He had no intention of actually taking her to the authorities. He wanted her too much for that. And not just for a night or for a little while but forever. He knew himself well enough. And he knew that he had never wanted happiness for someone else as much as he wanted it for her.

It seemed ludicrous to come to the conclusion that he was in love with her. He hadn't known her that long but regardless of the logicality of it all, he knew that one night, one month, one year...it would never be enough.

He sighed again, his thoughts seemed to be screaming at him. He wanted to know what it was that made her loathe who she was. He wanted to know what is was that made her think she was this monster...this being unlike the others around her.

He slid from the bed and pulled on his discarded trousers, he knew he wouldn't be getting any sleep any time soon. He moved toward the door and out into the hallway. He walked purposefully down the stairs, passing through his empty home. He moved through the servant courters and gently pulled the door open.

Harmony slept peacefully it seemed. Her lashes brushed her cheeks as her chest rose, her breathing even. Her hair was in total disarray. Her thick hair covering the pillow on her small bed. He thought about climbing onto it with her but thought better of it as he noticed how small it was.

He was a fairly large man and he knew he would never be able to fit on the small bed. He mussed his hair about his head for a moment, contemplating his next move. He reached for her then, wrapping an arm underneath her knees and the other around her waist.

He lifted her with ease and a gentle grip as he settled her comfortably in his arms. She stayed a sleep in his grasp, snuggling closer to him, seeking the warmth he exuded.

He retraced his steps, carrying her back toward his bedroom. He silently closed his bedroom door behind him, lying her onto the bed with gentle precision.

She continued to sleep and the innocence of her sleeping face made him smile. He climbed into bed beside her, pulling the comforter around them. She turned in her sleep, balling up against his side.

He wrapped an arm around her waist, kissing her forehead softly.

The warmth of her skin was a pleasant feeling. The sound of her breathing was soothing to his ears.

A minute passed and just as quickly as it came Aiden's eyes had fluttered shut and sleep met him happily.

Daylight creaked through the darkness. The morning chill danced around her and she shivered, seeking the warmth she so longed for.

She cuddled against the warm frame beside her and sighed with content as she found the warmth she needed to fight off the morning cold.

Her eyes popped open and she hopped up, her heart was pounding against her chest. She looked around at her new surroundings and nearly screamed when she felt movement beside her.

Her eyes shot to the handsome, half naked man beside her and she froze. How had she gotten here?

Had her dreams suddenly come to fruition? She had had countless dreams of sleeping in this man's bed. Of him kissing her until she couldn't be kissed again. Of him holding her in his arms.

Her cheeks were blotchy with red as she watched the bed's comforter trail down the length of his long body, exposing his nakedness further.

Her eyes widened as she realized that he had nothing on. He was completely naked beside her. She couldn't contain the loud gasp that passed her lips as she flung herself back. Her back hit the wall behind her with a loud bang and the noise woke Aiden with a quickness.

His eyes shot open and he rubbed his sleep filled eyes as he looked around the room, trying to find the source of the loud banging sound that had pulled him from his slumber.

When his eyes landed on her he sighed, sitting up in the bed, he comforter sliding down his chest.

She stared at him with wide, confused, eyes. He raked his hands through his hair, the curly mass flying all over his head. His chocolaty brown eyes watched her all the while, examining the plumpness of her lips and the rapid motion of her chest as her breathing accelerated.

"Why am I in here?" She snapped huskily.

He pondered lying but thought better of it. "I just wanted to be near you." He said truthfully.

Her eyes widened and she blushed, staring down at the white bedding.

"This isn't right." She said as she looked back up at him. "If you want someone to sleep with someone...you have the wrong person."

She moved to climb off of the bed but he stopped her, grabbing her by the wrist and yanking her back onto the bed. She tumbled onto her back in the middle of the bed, her night gown rising up, exposing her thigh.

She snatched her wrist away and scrambled to pull her nightie down. "Don't touch me!" She snapped at him as she pinned herself against the wall once more.

She stared at him angrily, clutching the hem of her nightie in her fist.

He leaned against the headboard, giving her his full attention. The covers slipped further down his body and her breath hitched. She felt so light headed. The fact that he was completely naked beneath the thin layer of cloth over him had her struggling for air.

"You can't hide from who you are forever Harmony."

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