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She stared into his chocolaty eyes for a long moment, her heart pounding in her ears. She didn't want to talk. She didn't want to tell about who she was....what she was.

She swallowed the lump in her throat before shaking her head in rejection to his command. "No! Let me go! I don't want to talk!"

She grabbed for his arms, trying to pry his arms off of her. "Aiden, please let me go!"

"Harmony, stop this! You can't continue to run! Look at me!" He snapped.

She paused, looking up into his eyes. He cupped her face in his hands lovingly, "I love you."

Her eyes widened and she turned away. "No..."

"I love you and nothing you tell me will change that." He whispered into her ear as he wrapped his arms around her again.

She choked on a sob. "You'll hate me..." She gasped out.

He cupped the back of her neck, holding her to his chest. "I could never hate you."

She leaned into his chest before closing her eyes, taking a deep breath.

"My mother was gullible..., "she mumbled, "She believed any and everything. She wanted to think the world was this wonderful place with nothing but kind hearted people...She was too trusting. That was her down fall."

Aiden stayed silent, listening to her voice as it began to tremble.

"My mother was black. She was beautiful. Her smile...there was nothing lovelier to me." Her voice seemed to fade off into her distant memories. "She was crazy for my father. Sometimes I thought she loved him more than me..."

"He was tall, handsome, wealthy...white. He was married too. My mother was nothing more than another body, a body that was in constant competition with tons of other mistresses. He would come over once or twice a week, money in hand, lust in his eyes. Always at midnight. He would hand money to my mother before sleeping with her...she was his whore. His own, personal, gullible, stupidly romantic...whore. I tried to be angry with her for letting him use her! I tried to hate her for letting him degrade her...But I couldn't, because I can't blame her for wanting love!" Harmony cried against his chest wrapping her arms around Aiden's neck.

He tightened his hold on her, trying to soothe her pain.

"He never spoke to me. He would look at me and clear his throat. Then he would pet me on the head. Somedays he would pet me on the back. Sometimes on the shoulder. But he never held me...he never told me he loved me or that he was happy I was born. Because I wasn't supposed to...I was an unwanted love child. He hated me and I could see it in his eyes whenever he did happen to glance my way. I was the only proof of his affair with my mother, the only end to his sneakiness. The only loose end to his cheating."

"She got sick. She got so...sick and he stopped coming around. I remember holding her hand and thinking it was the coldest thing I had ever felt. Her lovely dark skin was so pale...almost grey and every day she would ask for him. But he never came. He stopped sending money when he couldn't sleep with her. And she died...She died and he didn't even...he didn't care! How could he be so cruel? She loved him and he didn't even tell her goodbye!"

"I was all alone! I was only ten and I was alone and unwanted! My mother had been my only family...the only person to ever accept me the way I was! In the eyes of the people around me...I was dirt beneath their feet...a half breed with no future!"

Aiden rubbed her back, her tears a painful sound to his ears. He kissed her tear soaked cheeks. Whispered words of reassurance in her ears.

Once she had cried herself dry he coaxed her to climb out of bed. "I have something to show you. Get dressed."

She wiped at her eyes before slowly pulling her clothing back on. He dressed quickly, pulling his shoes on and running a hand through his hair.

He grabbed for her hand and tugged her gently toward the door. They took the stairs slowly and walked out, he placed her into the carriage. He told the driver where they were headed and climbed in beside her.

He wrapped an arm around her waist and she sat rigid beside him. He pulled her closer and kissed her temple. "Relax." He mumbled.

She looked up at him, her eyes red and puffy.

The ride was quiet and seemed to drag on forever. She was on edge. She didn't know what was coming and that made her nervous. Especially after she had finally revealed what she was.

The coach finally came to an abrupt stop and her heart slammed against her chest as Aiden pulled the door open and climbed out. He helped her out before leading her to the steps of...her eyes widened. He had brought her to the estate that she had failed to rob.

He pulled her along beside him, walking her inside and closing the door quietly behind them.

"Why are we here?" She whispered.

He didn't answer right away, instead he grabbed her hand and pulled her toward a room. "I think you should meet my parents." He said before pushing the door open.

She sent him a confused look before he gently pushed her into the room. She stumbled forward and froze as her eyes fell upon a beautiful black woman being engulfed in the tight embrace of a tall, wide shouldered white man.

Aiden walked in, standing beside her. "If you're a monster because of what's inside you. Than so am I."

She looked up at him, her eyes wide. "You're..."

"Mulatto? Yes." He nodded to his parents, who seemed to be totally oblivious to their presence. "I am a product of them and regardless of what I'm mixed with, I'm still human Harmony. And so are you."

She flung herself at him, nearly knocking him down. He chuckled, hugging her back.

"I love you...I love you." She said into his chest.

He kissed the top of her head. "And I love you."

There was a clearing of the throat and Aiden looked up, finding his mother smiling at them and his father's arm locked around her waist.

"Who is this?" His mother asked, a knowing smile on her face.

Harmony stiffened up a bit before turning around.

"Hello...I'm-, "he cut her off, pulling her back into his arms, "My future wife."

*Okay everyone...it's the end. I enjoyed writing this story and I hope you all enjoyed reading it! Stay tuned and feel free to follow me as I have many other stories and stick around for Andrew's story! I will be updating whenever I can! As always comment, like and share!*

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