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Author's notes: This story is very true. (With a little mix of imagination)



My name is Ellie. I am eighteen years old. And this is my story.

We are the last of the human race. We are in an intergalactic battle for survival. The aliens have come down and either killed, abducted, enslaved, or something even worse than you could only imagine.

Most people have just went into hiding. Some don't even come out of their shelters. We live like animals.

BUT not all of us chose to live like this. Some of us want to take back our planet, take back what is ours and drive those alien scum as far away from our galaxy as we can. Me and my boyfriend Daven are two of those people. We've just recently been able to hold our own since the rebellion first started. We lost a lot of people. Including Daven's dad because of the few resources we had but now we aren't as weak as we use to be. We have defeated them enough times just to show them that we mean business. But I fear the worst battle is about to come. Everyone is dreading the final battle.

*knock knock* I hear someone at my door and go to peak at who it is. I see is a sharp rugged face, tone manly features, deep dark brown eyes, sexy messed up hair, and a scowl to mess all that handsomeness. "If only he smiled more..." I mumble to myself as I open the door.

"Hey Daven, what's going on?"

"Get dressed, now," his voice was so cold. It almost sounded like he forgot who I was and didn't care about who he was talking to but, as always, he catches himself and softens his tone, "Dominic requested us and your dad... Where is he by the way?"

"I don't know where he is. Probably getting supplies." I smiled. "Oooo, bubby caught himself Heehee ok, I will, wait here while I get dressed, ok?" I said before I went up on my tip-toes and kissed him, "I love you."

He smiles, bringing back all the happiness I missed seeing back to his face, "I love you too, now go, you should probably hurry."

"Heehee, ok, sorry, I forgot." I turned around so he wouldn't see me blush and walk up stairs into my room. I take off my pjs and stair at myself in the mirror. I look down at my breasts and cup them in my hand. Their not the biggest but they sure turn Daven on fast."heehee." I giggle to myself knowing that I drive my man crazy.I put on a bra and change into some pants and a shirt and run down the stairs.

"Ready." I say.

Daven stares at me."What?" I ask. He walks up to me, wraps his arm around my waist, and pulls me in close. "You look amazing in no matter what you wear, huh baby..." and he kisses me with such force, such power I feel me knees get weak. I can barely stand. He then throws me onto my sofa and gets on top of me kissing me some more and stops to stare into my eyes. I see the need for me in his eyes and I want to so bad but I remembered we had to go somewhere. He kisses my neck and starts going lower and lower. I wait for the perfect time to tell him to stop. He's kissing my stomach and it feels so good. We have to go but I don't want this to stop. He kisses me right under my bra. I want him to rip it off already but we can't...yet. Maybe tonight if dad doesn't come home we can but not now. He lifts my bra up. He almost sees my bare breasts but before he did I decided to end it here.

"Aren't we suppose to be somewhere? !?"

He stops as soon as he hears that and turns his head away in complete embarrassment. His face turns red.

"Your right we should go." He says without looking at me. I thought it was funny and kinda cute so I place my hands on his face and cup his chin to turn his face towards me... I flash him for awhile, letting him stand there in awe. (I guess this isn't really a flash)

"Don't be sad baby if my dad stays at the base again you'll get all of this, ok?You will get to be my daddy,ok?"He smiles, kisses me one more time and says "Ok now let's go and hurry back ok."

"Ok!"I say blushing so hard. I slap his butt before we go out the door. "Lets get going."I say


That was over four months ago. My dad never did come home that night or any night after that. He was enslaved. Dominic came to my home that night and told me what happened, Daven held me the whole time as I cried like a baby for like a week.(we never got to do anything because of it) I was so scared, so nervous I knew that the war was coming soon and that the aliens were taking our people to fight against us, I was just hoping that it would never happen to me or people close to me. I didn't want it period but what am I suppose to do?

The time I dreaded finally came. We got ready for the final battle. The battle that my dad would always tell me we'd win to shove those aliens back where they came from. We are already in the middle of battle. Everyone is out fighting. Everyone. All the people who were hiding or thought were gone. The rest of the human race that was left on this planet took part in this battle.

I look to my right and I see Daven with an alien blaster, (were he got it I don't know) waiting for the scumbags to stop there firing. When they did he jumps out of cover and shoots. I look to the other side and see four aliens go down, "Yeah, go baby!" I turn back to him to see the satisfaction on his face......

But something happend.... Something that I've been dreading ever since before my dad had been enslaved.... They shot him in his chest... His body flew five feet back landing two feet in front of me...

"No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!"I crawl next to him rest his head on my lap and yell at him. "DON'T YOU LEAVE ME!" He looks up, gives me a small smile and cups my chin with both hands and to say, for the last time..."I love you...."


Author's notes: What ya'll think? This first chapter was done by my bf I just did the editing on it. I thank him for starting the book off for me and what not. Love you hun! Hope ya'll liked it and if you find anything wrong with it I would be thankful for any fixings ya'll think it needs and I'll make sure to take it into consideration! Thanks again! :)

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