Chapter three: Nothing to look at

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Chapter three

Nothing to look at.

Jess had fallen asleep waiting for Ross to return. In the meantime, Jin watched after her, and decided to just leave Ross where ever he was. Jin picked Jess up trying to not wake her, and started walking out of the ragged place she was found at.

He sighed,"what kind of place is this?" He wondered, looking around seeing nothing but abandoned  buildings and ashes left over from old fires. The sky started to darken as he walked, coming across Ross's scarf. He paused stepping backwards knowing Ross would never leave his scarf anywhere at a place like this. Jin searched and searched but no Ross could be found nothing but his scarf with blood stains. He picked it up wearing it, for his buddy Ross who could be lost and hurt.
Jin looked up hearing some sort of crack  behind, turning back to see a hole in a screen door. He turned back to a gruesome claw gashing  across his face, getting rid of skin. now having a long bloody claw mark from his eye down to his jaw line. Knocking him down but not letting go of the sleeping Jess who was taken from him eventually. Hopelessly left there alone. Dark, cold, terrified, hurt and no one around to assist his wounds, forever lost. A quote as left on the floor "the forever lost one, to die alone" with a number right beside it, a small two. Jin didn't not understand the meaning of the number nor did he want to know. He slammed his fist on the ground trembling letting Jess be taking from someone or something "DAMNIT" he yelled shakily, his voice only echoed like an empty void to be trapped in. . . Forever by himself, or was he not alone? Strange things were written on the walls but in blood 'nothing to look at' another one 'die' ect it goes on forever, making jin slowly fall to insanity hearing echoes in his head there was one , then two then one then three then four then three. Then there was one. That particular one sounded like Jess's, he whispered to himself "j-Jess? J-Jess?"
No response to him he said it once more but no answer once again. Jun curled up wanting to to cry but no tears fell not one, he pleaded Jesses name over and over hopping his was just a dream,
{. . .}

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2016 ⏰

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