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Annabeth POV

We made a deal. We would all meet up at the museum in 2 weeks. Well today marks 2 weeks. Tyler and I have talked every night for about 3 hours. I was in my room packing up my stuff.

"Come on Annabeth", Chase yelled from downstairs.

"I'm coming", I yelled back.

I zipped my suitcase up and walked down the stairs. Chase was waiting there with my mom. I had my energem on the necklace we all had.

"I love you mom", I said hugging her.

"Love you too", she said as Chase put our bags in his car.

"Bye mom", Chase said.

"Bye take care of your sister. Call me when you land in Amber Beach", my mom said.

"We will", Chase said.

We got to the airport and got on the plane. I fell asleep on the plane ride there.

"Annabeth", Chase said waking me up.

I got up and we went to where we picked up our bags. We walked outside and then a certain red jeep pulled up in front of us. A certain red ranger jumped out off the jeep.

"Tyler", I said and hugged my boyfriend.

"Hi Annabeth", Tyler said.

Chase called my mom and then we drove back to the museum. Tyler was drving, I was in the passenger, and Chase was in the back. Tyler intertwined our fingers.

"How is Koda and Shelby since they didn't leave to see their families", Chase said.

"Good the three of us helped Kendall over the 2 weeks", Tyler said. "Shelby can't wait to see you guys and Riley again."

"Well she won't have to wait to long", I said seeing we were at the loading docks.

We all got out and then slid down the passage way to the base. The lights were off.

"How do we turn on the lights in here", Chase says and the lights turned on.

There stood Riley, Kendall, Shelby, and Koda. I smiled and ran to hug Shelby.

"Omg Annabeth, I missed you so much even though it was only 2 weeks", Shelby said.

"I missed you to. It wasn't the same without coming here and see all you guys", I said hugging Riley.(A/n hey its X_DirtyDeeds_X just wanted you guys to know that I love you.)

We all went to the cafe and had lunch. Our energems started to glow when we finished eating.

"Come on", Tyler said.

We go to the base and Kendall looked just as confused as us.

"Kendall why are our energems glowing", I ask.

"I-", Kendall started but then the alarm went off.

"Woah, wait a minute I thought we destroyed them", I said.

"Come on lets go check it out", Tyler said grabbing my hand.

We got to the spot. We looked around and didn't see anything. Then we all got blasted to the ground. Me and Shelby, I think were hurt worse then the guys. We stood up and saw Wrench standing there.

"Wrench, I thought we destroyed you", Riley said.

"You didn't rangers", Wrench said.

"Then we will destroy you", I shouted.

"Its morphin time, Dino Charger, Ready", we said. "Energize, Unleash the power", we morphed.

We started fighting. Me and Shelby started fighting Wrench, that was until he sent us flying demorphing in the process.

"Shelby, you okay", I called over.

"Yep doing just fine", Shelby said.

I felt something on my ankle and then the only thing you could hear was the cracking of my ankle and my scream.

"Annabeth", Tyler yelled.

I looked behind me and saw a monster. I flipped over and tried to scoot away but he step on my ankle. I whimpered and the monster laughed.

"Get away from my girlfriend", Tyler said from behind me.

The monster stepped harder on my ankle causing me to whimper even more.

"Tyler", I cried.

Then there were blasts that sent the monster flying. I was dragged and placed near a pole.

"We'll be back soon", Chase said.

I nodded. I got grabbed from behind and was pulled to my feet. the person made me put pressure on my ankle so I screamed.

"Wrench let her go", Tyler growled.

"No red ranger", Wrench said.

He kicked my ankle and I screamed again and then he pushed me to the ground. Tyler ran over to me. My right ankle was numb and I couldn't move my right knee.

"Okay baby this might hurt", Tyler said picking me up.

I screamed in pain and grabbed his shirt.

"Shh its okay", Tyler said as I welcomed the darkness.

Tyler POV

We got Annabeth back to the the base and Kendall did a x-ray.

"Her ankle is broken in 3 different areas. She will need to be in a cast for about 2 months so it heals. So that means we are down a ranger", Kendall said.

Kendall put the cast on and got crutches for Anna(same nickname from last book).

Annabeth POV

I woke up and felt something on my ankle. I sat up and saw it was a cast and there were crutches next to me. I hobbled to the crutes and then went upstairs. The crutch was kicked out which made me fall backwards. Then I saw the face I never wanted to see again. Jack, the bully that bullied me in middle school.

"Go away Jack", I said.

"I don't want to and what are you going to do about it", Jack said.

"Well first off, I'll beat your butt", Chase said.

"Then, I'll make sure you don't come near Amber Beach muesum again", Tyler said.

"Fine I'll leave the brat alone", Jack said.

That caused him to get tackled by my brother and Chase started punching him. Tyler helped me up. This is going to be a long 2 months.

~~~~~~~~~~~~2 months later~~~~~~~~~

I can finally fight again. Tyler was in the base with me. The alarm went off. We got there and there was a ton of vivix. We fought them off and went to the house we are sharing as a team and relaxed for the rest of the day.

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