Chapter 1

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Faith curled up under the covers, warmth hugged her." I Love you Christian, Goodnight"she whispered into the darkness.She felt his presence in the room. She felt like arms wraped around her holding her.Christian was all that she had had. The darkness absorbed her as she fell asleep.
  "Goodmorning", Faith said walking into the kitchen."Get your backpack brat", her foster mother said throwing an apple at her. They got into the car and headed towards her school.
She was walking through the hall towards her classroom."Hey freak"someone yelled. A group of people inclosed her in a corner of the hall.A tear dribbled down her check.Someone came toward her and threw her to the floor. She sreamed for help. Suddenly lockers began to open and slam closed. The group panicked and ran away.Faith got up from the floor and ran toward the bathroom,where she locked herself in a stall,abd weaped and weaped.

~~~1 hour later~~~

Unlocking the stall door she wiped her blood shot eyes from crying and walked towards the mirror.On the mirror "Dont let them get to you,they dont know how special you are.I'm here for you Faith" ,was written. A snall smile formed on her face. Thank you Christian",she whispered
Hey guys so heres chapter 1!hope you enjoyed. Sorry if iys short. Bye!!!!

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