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My eyes started to droop, my soft eyelids and unusually long eyelashes were so heavy. I marked my place, and closed my book. Setting it aside I pulled my knees close to my chest covering myself with a fluffy purple blanket, still soft and brand new as if I bought it yesterday.

I looked at the time reading 4:47am. I read for a good hour and nothing bad seemed to happen with both Mia nor Casey.

Maybe I was just paranoid, maybe Mia really is Mia sweet Mia that loves to bake (eat cookie dough), doodle flowers and puppies. But, then again she could just be playing us; playing me. Using her sweet charm to make me believe everything she wants me to believe and not worry about a thing enough until she can make a move and get out of here for sure and probably kill me because that just what everyone says. It's not that anyone had actually said that I just have heard it in the my head, but Casey has said it. Obviously she hated Mia with a passion.

I drifted to sleep. Simply without a move. Falling asleep in the chair I guess was both good and bad. Good because it's comfy but bad because you can never get comfortable.

I simply dreamed..

I tried pulling my arms out from behind me, I couldn't, they were tied together with a cheap ass black zip tie. I quickly scrabbled to my feet sliding up the pole I was tied to.

The next thing I knew. A knife was to my throat. What the hell?! It was so dark I couldn't see anything, I knew there was someone in front of me because I could hear and feel them breathing. I sucked in air once they took the felt off my mouth. Almost immediately I licked my chapped lips.

"Do it Mia. Cut her throat. She's not important to us anymore" a man whispered. He was as close to her as he was to me.

"O'Connor will come after us. He's already pissed at us for taking her" she said trying to push him off of her.

"Do it Mia" he insisted kissing her harshly. His lips brushed the side of her cheek.

"Mia please. You don't want to do this" I mumbled trying to push her away and getting the knife away from her.

Suddenly everything came into play. Sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste. I blinked slowly and my eyes glowed strong and bright. I felt ten times better that I have every felt before. My hearing had increased, I could smell the man's mint bubble gum in his pocket, I could touch the pole and the extra plastic that hung out of the cheap handcuffs of mine, and I could taste something I just can't put my finger on it. It was something bitter.

I pulled my hands apart again once more and the zip tie snapped into two. I lunged at Mia and grabbed her throat.

"Your not family. Your a monster!" I spat squeezing her throat trying hard to make her suffer and honestly I think I enjoyed it. Feeling her bones being crushed between my hands. Hearing the crunch of them shattering.

"No Shay. Your the monster" she yelled as the air was cut off out of her.

I jotted upright clutching the blankets in my bed looking around I was sweating like crazy. Wait, I'm on Mia duty why was I in my room? I fell asleep in the chair in the guest bedroom... Did someone move me? I don't know why I'm freaking out so bad Bryan probably moved me because I was over reacting with having to watch Mia all night that way she doesn't kill Casey.

"What's wrong babe?" Bryan asked rubbing my arm softly.

I blew air through my lips and looked back at him "Nothing, I promise" I lied wiping the beads of sweat off my neck.

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