Every Things New!

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-Moe's POV-

I Frown At Roc He Tries To Talk But I Intterupt Hiim.

"Dont Even Saay , A Word Get Out Of My Room!" I Shaake My Heaad.

"Moe , Thaat Shit Waasnt Mine." He Waalks To Me. I Baack Up Into The Wall.

"Please Moe Give Me A Chaance I Appologize For Everything , Im Done Wiith The Gaang Shit ! I Love Yuu , I Love My Faamily!" He Plaaces Hiis Haands On The Wall Behiind Me.

I Remember When Roc Use To Hit On Me....

"I , I ..." I Freeze Up , I Join The Drug Baattle While Roc Ended It Should I Tell Hiim , Nah I'll Waait.

"Whaat Saay Sumthin!" Roc Saays.

"I Believe Yuu.!" Roc Smiles. "But Yuu Haave To Prove It To Me Imma Giive Yuu Two Months!" I Saay.

"I'll Maake Things Riight !" He Smiles And Kissies My Cheek , I Waatch As Roc Graabs A Blaanket And Pillow He Waalks Out Of My Room...

Shit I Fucked Up

THUGG LIFE-A Mindless Behavior Story (:Where stories live. Discover now