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*flash back*

"Do you remember anything?" Kory asked

"No. Not really."  I mumbled
"Where's my mom?"

He looked down.
"She's eating lunch with blake."

"Are you fycking serious?
I'm calling her."

J; hello.
M; hey honey
J; where the hell are you.
M; look I know your mad but this is his only day off work.
J; you know what. I love you but I'm so sick of this.
You always pick him over me.
I'm in the hospital for crying out loud, and you go on with your day like it's nothing? I couldve died.
She just hung up.

I cried a bit.

"Kory. Do you think I can move in with you?" I said

"Sure. Why not. I would love to have ya."

I smiled and texted my mom.

J;Mom. I wanna move in with kory.
M; why.
J; we fight to much and I need time away from Blake.
M; no
J; yes. I get out tomorrow. I'll be by to get my stuff.
M; if you go, and he pisses you off and you wanna come home I'm not letting you in.
J; wow. Thanks mom. But k

I turned off my phone and told kory I can live with him.

*end of flash back

"Journey! Come on. You have to go to school."  Kory yelled

I walked downstairs and walked out the door.
I walked to korys truck so he could drive me.

"So journey, I have a few friends coming to stay with us."


"They'll be here after school." He said smiling

I just nodded. I'm not really a morning person.
Thank god its Friday.

"Bye love you." I said opening the truck door.

"Love you"

I walked in school and sat down in the cafeitera My best friend dean came and sat by me.

Then a group of girls came by me.
"Whore" jenny said

"Fuck off" I snapped

She just walked away.
Jenny is my old best friend.
I had a boyfriend and she sent him nudes, and well our friendship was over.

The bell finally rang.
Dean and I walked to first hour.


I sit with the boys. I literally have to girl friends.
I'm not like every other girl tho.
I don't wear makeup, I'm athletic, I've never kissed anyone.
I'm just a little different than all the other girls..

While I was waiting the boys to come sit by me, jenny got up and walked over to me.

"Hey journey."
"Can I help you?" I said

"I just wanted to give you something"

I knew something was up because all her 'followers' were recording us.

"Screw off."

She dumped chili on my head.
She started laughing .
That's it.

"Fuck you!" I yelled punching her in the face.

I was on top of her and I started hitting, and pulling her hair.

It took dean, Seth, and three male teachers to pull me off of her.

"Journey and jenny to the office.
Now"  the intercom said

To make things worse, her dad was the principal.

I walked in the office, and she was walking out of the nurses room.

"Journey. In my office now."
Mr. Brad said

I followed him to his room and sat down.

"You couldve killed her."

"But I didnt." I said

"You broke her nose, bruised her eyes and she has to have stitches in her head."

"She should've have dumped chili on my head."

"Your being very disrespectful.
I'm suspending you for a week"

I just walked out and called kory.

J; I got suspended for a week.
K; what the hell. Why??
J;jenny. She dumped chili on my head and I whooped her ass.
K; I'll be there in a minute.
J; wait. Who the hell is this?
This isn't kory..
K; uh. I'm not supposed to tell you. Its gonna be a suprize.
J; might as well tell me.
K; Grayson
J; tell kory to hurry up.

I was standing there waiting on kory when dean and Seth walked up to me.

"Dude, you whooped her ass."
Seth said
"I know!" I said laughing

Seth is my ex boyfriend. But we're still really close.
He's the one jenny sent nudes to.

I was checking my social media.
That's weird???
I have 3.2 million followers now.

I looked at my activity and saw all these girls saying hateful things to me, and some are being nice.
I looked at pictures people tagged me in, and they were all pictures of the magcon boys?


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