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While I was trying to figure out what was happening, I noticed kory walking out of the office.

"Kory!" I yelled

"Journey.! Come on."
He grabbed my hand and pulled me outside

"That's bullshit." He said

"Yes I know."

We got in the truck and went through McDonald's.

"Hey kory, why do people keep tagging me in pictures of magcon on insta?"

His eyes went wide.
"Uh you know how I told you I was having friends stay with me?
Well its them."


"Do you know them?"

"I know who they are."

"Do you know the Dolan twins?" He asked


He smiled

We got home an all the boys were sitting on the couch.

"Guys this is my cousin, journey."
Kory said

"So this is our little fighter?" Taylor said

I smile and nod my head

They all stand up and come up to me and bear hug me.

They finally got off of me and introduced themselves.

They were all really sweet but 2 of them caught my eye.

Hayes and grayson..

I went up stairs and changed into *picture up above

I went and layed in my bed And got on my computer.
I got on Netflix and started twilight

Someone knocked on my door.

"Come in" I said

Grayson walked in
"Hey Jo, kory told me to come get you, because were putting the Christmas tree up!"

"Alright thank you! I'll be down on a minute

I closed my laptop, grabbed my phone and walked downstairs.

"Hey journey!" Cam yelled

I threw him the peace sign and smiled.
Then I walked in the kitchen.

"Do I have time to go to taco bell?" I asked kory


I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room where all the boys were.

I went and got my keychain wallet and my pink hover board and started to walk out.

"Journey! Where you goin?" Ethan asked

"Taco bell"

"Ooh. That's Grayson's favorite place. Maybe he should go with you so you don't get lonley." He said winking at Grayson

Graysons eyes went wide and he punched Ethan in the arm.

I laughed a little.
"Yeah sure. Kory has a hoverboard. Hold on and I'll go get it for you." I said smiling

I went and got korys hoverboard and gave it to Grayson.
I told the boys bye and we were off.

We got there pretty fast.
We walked in and ordered our food.

"Your total will be $23.56" the cashier said

Grayson reached in his pocket to grab his wallet but he didn't have it.
I laughed and handed the guy my money.

"I'm really sorry. I forgot my wallet."

"Its okay, I don't mind paying."
I said laughing

"Well were gonna have to go on another date, so I can buy now."

I smiled and went and sat down.

"Number 209. Number 209" the guy said

Grayson got up and went and got our food.

When we were eating Grayson finally started a conversation.

"So tell me about yourself" he said

"Well I'm 14, my dad died a few years ago, my mom is a nut, I don't like girls, I like sports but I hate running. And that's about it."

He smiled
"You have a pretty interesting life, and I'm sorry about your dad"

"Its okay"

"We have to take a picture!" He said smiling

I rolled my eyes and agreed
He took out his phone and took a picture of us.

@graysondolan ; had a great night with you.. @journey_

My phone buzzed with a whole bunch of notifications.

I looked at the picture and caption and smiled and rt it.

"ready?" I asked


We both got up from the table and left.
As soon as we walked in the door all the boys awhed at us.

It was very embarrassing.
Im pretty sure I turned bright red

"I'm going to sleep. I'll see you guys in the morning." I said walking up the stairs

"I uh I need to pee." Grayson said
Following me

When I got to my door I was stopped by grayson.

"Hey uh journey. I had fun with you tonight."

"I had fun too!"
I said smiling

"Would you maybe wanna go to the mall with me tomorrow to go Christmas shopping?" He asked

"Yes! I would love to!" I said smiling

He came in for a hug and when he let go I was suprized at what I did.

I kissed his cheek. Oops. Just couldn't help myself.

He smiled and turned really red.

"Well goodnight! I'll see you in the morning." I said

I went and took my cover up off and heard someone knock on my door.

I went and opened it to see Hayes standing there...

"Hey Hayes"

"Hey journey. Wanna go ice skating with me tomorrow.??"

"I'm going to the mall with grayson, but when I get back, sure!!"  I said

"Oh alright" he said kinda sad

"We can still go if you want.
You can show me how to skate."

"Okay!!" He said smiling

"Goodnight Hayes"

"Goodnight beautiful"

I shut my door and went and changed.

Are they flirting with me?
Or are they just being nice?
I have no idea...

What if I have to pick.
They're both so sweet.
I'll just have to see how tomorrow goes.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2015 ⏰

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