Mr. Number Two

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I couldn't breathe. I saw her walk out of the room and that was it. I was gone. How can you be expected to breathe when everything is pulled towards her, even oxygen. There was nothing to suck in.

Apparently, my brothers did not feel the same way. They clambered over themselves trying to out do one another. It wasn't until I saw Nathan's face after North made his comment that I was finally able to choke out a breath in a strangled half laugh. He looked like his puppy had been kicked.

I stared at Sang as she knighted Luke. I stared at her as she tackled him too. I even stared as she looked up at me as if she was expecting something. I was trapped in her endless eyes, no thoughts coming to my mind. I was jerked to reality when I saw some of the sparkle go out of her eye. I glanced around, ready to kick the person's ass who made Sang's light dim, even if it was only a fraction.

Suddenly, I felt the unfamiliar sensation of being elbowed in the gut. I looked over to Sean with my eyebrow raised. If any of the other boys had tried to pull that, I would have already had them on the ground begging for mercy. A tough hand is needed when keeping together a group of teenage boy assassins. Sometimes that means showing who the alpha is. Luckily for Sean, he was outside the pack structure.

He looked over at me, the normally playful eyes serious. He gave a faction of a head toss in Sang's direction. I raised my other brow in question. Stressing his eyes, he repeated his head movement.

I turn back to Sang and see that her eyes now seem to hold a shine in them. Not yet suppressed tears but almost as if she would be crying if she had been raised as a normal girl. No longer messing around, I glared at all the boys. What the hell were they doing, putting that look in Sang's eyes. Brothers or not, I was going to punch one of them in the face soon if they didn't apologize.

I once again felt the jab in my ribs, and I turned the full force of my glare on Sean. It took me a good few seconds to realize what he meant. Well crap. I was the one putting the look in Sang's eyes.


I looked up at Mr. Blackbourne, waiting to hear his opinion. He just stared at me with an utter lack of emotion. I could see him glare at all the boys around me and couldn't help but feel like he was mad at them for being near me. I guess he didn't accept me like I though he did.

I took a deep breath as he glanced at Sean, a death glare in place. No way was I going to let Mr. Number 2 shake my new found happiness. He could just suck it up and figure out how to deal with it himself. Or he could come talk to me. Maybe find out why he was placed a rank behind me.

I shook my head. Just because I didn't like how he was acting doesn't mean my thoughts should automatically get violent. I looked up to see Mr. Two's open his mouth, his eyes staring directly into mine. I quickly shot up and said, "Everyone ready! Ok team, let's move out." No way was I going to have that talk right now. Not when I had a headmaster to kill.

I could see his mouth opening and closing, just like a fish. "Might want to close you mouth, Number Two. Wouldn't want any flies to go in and choke you." I could see the shock freeze his face. Haha. That's what he gets. Jerk.

I walked out of our apartment, leaving behind nine stunned guys behind. Hmph. They better catch up soon.

Or else they are going to miss out on all of the fun.

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