Chapter Two: You Look Like a Homosexual Lion

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*Calypso's POV*

"Seven missed calls from Bailey. Stupid butt changed it to silent," I heard Caleigh mumble to herself on the ride to pick up Bailey, "Why you gotta be so big, butt, why?" She held the phone up to her ear as she called Bailey back. I could hear Corey snicker from the backseat. It wasn't all that funny, though. She's going to frickin' murder me.

"Yes we are coming now. I don't know... Fine I will ask her," she held the phone away from her ear for a second, "Hey where are we in proximity to the school?"

"I take you to school this way every day, Caleigh," I laughed. I shouldn't be surprised though, she's not the most observant of people.

"Yeah but she wants to know how close we are and I have no clue." Good thing she's only lived here her entire life.

"Do you really not know?" Corey asked, I could tell he was trying really hard to not give her a hard time about it. So sweet.

"No. Should I?" Even I rolled my eyes at this. Yes, you should know! I screamed internally, but decided to keep quiet. Oh who am I kidding? I've never stayed quiet, why start now?

"Well yes considering you've lived in this city for almost your whole life," I answered.

"I prefer the limo lifestyle. I like to de driven, not drive." She turned her nose up.

"We are passing the golf courses so like seven minutes or so."

"There's golf courses here? Wow okay," she put the phone back up to her ear, "Yes! Yes, stop yelling! We will be there in five minutes you dumb hooker! Yes, I do know I too am a ho. But what can I say, the pole is my passion. Kay love you bye." I swear their relationship is the best thing ever.

"I'm so confused," Corey piped up. I forgot he might not be used to this kind of interaction.

"That's their entire friendship. I don't fully get it either. I guess it's like their terms of endearment." I giggled, "Believe me - you'll get used to it."

Corey still looked a little perplexed after I explained, but whatever. He'd understand when he and Caleigh start dating. Yea I know they've only just met - but it will happen! I'm the best matchmaker this school has ever seen... Too bad no one actually knows I am. You see, I secretly match people in my class up and they almost always end up together. Almost. There have been a few cases where I've been wrong; however, I'm one hundred percent sure that I'm probably right this time.

I realized we were already at the school by the time I had finished internal-monologuing and beneath that sacred random fruit tree stood a very ticked off Bailey. As soon as I stopped the car, she came storming up to the driver-side door and tapped on the window; a signal to roll it down. Probably so she could either yell at me or strangle me as everyone watched.

"I had to be home an hour ago," She huffed as the window reached the bottom. Her dad was a little strict about curfew – a little too strict in my opinion. Then again, it's an hour past her curfew. Then again... er again, her curfew is three o'clock in the afternoon.

"I know, I know and I'm sorry!"

"What were you thinking?! How could you leave me?! IS THAT A SLUSHIE? Did you guys go to Sonic? Move over Ryder I'm getting in the back." Bailey's favorite restaurant is Sonic. Yea I know I'm the worst friend ever. She went the rest of the drive, glaring daggers at the back of my head; I swear I could actually feel them.

I pulled into the driveway and squeaked, "Bailey we're at your house."

She stepped out of the Jeep and walked over to the driver-side window once again. This time, she had a small smile.

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