Chapter 4

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Jane's POV

I sighed, "look, I'm not going out with you and I have good reasons why. Also I'm not doing the stupid music video and  I've got reasons why as well. So...leave me alone?" I crossed my arms sitting on the edge of my bed.

Justin smirked and sat by me. He tried to flip his hair but realized it was short and frowned embarrassed. I didn't know boys were this stupid. Oh wait it's Justin Beaver, never mind. I wonder why he's even here, I mean he should know I hate his guts. Why does he still come? Ugh.

He pulled his feet up on the bed to sit Indian style on my bed. I frowned. Get. Your. Dirty. Shoes. Off. My. Bed. I thought. I'm guessing he noticed my glaring at his feet and instantly moved so his feet dangled off the side on my bed. I laughed. He's so short he can't touch the ground when sitting on my bed.

At least he's brave to be asking a girl who's taller than him out. "Why won't you go out with me huh?" he asked snapping my thoughts away and back to him.

I shrugged, "it's obvious I hate you, In case you didn't mom and your mom hate each other since high school, I'd have to do the music video, the public would scream at me. That enough for ya? Oh yeah and my friend, Nat would kill me!" I rolled my eyes.

He sighed, "Those aren't good enough reasons and what do you mean our moms hate each other?" he asked oblivious to our family feuds.

I raised an eyebrow. Did Pattie not tell him? "Your mom, and my mom were best friends in middle school." I paused.

Justin signaled with his hands to go on, "Yeah, and?"

"well, when your mom and my mom were 18. Your mom got pregnant...with you...I wish she didn't but she did-"

"hey!" he interrupted.

I glared. "as I was saying, three months later my mom got pregnant with an angel sent from heaven. Literally can't you see the halo around my head?" I smiled pointing to my head.

He chuckled, "I can see horns. But that doesn't matter. Why do they hate each other?" He got closer and I could tell he was eager to know.

I shrugged, "your mom had a crush on a guy named Toby long before your dad. Well, she know...with your dad so yeah. But my mom thought since they were getting married that it was okay know...with Toby. Toby's my dad. They got married, Dad died a few years ago. Anyways your mom got angry for having Toby. Yet she shouldn't have cause she was married! So it's not my moms fault! And I hate your mom for making my mom mad!" I shouted in his face.

He smirked once I was all in his face. "You've never gotten this close before." he winked.

"UGH!" I shoved him back and jumped to my feet.

"Sorry Jane-"

"I hate you Justin Drew Bieber! And I always will." I smiled and stomped off.

"Love you too!" he threw his hands in the air like surrendering.

"Immature." I muttered. I mean what if I got pregnant with Justin's baby while my best friend Nat was married? She wouldn't care. Pattie shouldn't have cared! Ugh I hate Justin so much! But that would never happen. I mean yuck! I should've said Logan Henderson's baby not Justin Bieber's-this is just to sick to even think about!

I walked down stairs to the kitchen. Mom was sitting there with Kenny and Scooter, all had coffee mugs in front of them. Scooter was awkwardly watching as Kenny flirted with my mom. But as I could see she was enjoying it. It's about time she dated since...the incident. "Hey mom, don't worry I set the beaver straight."

Everyone snapped their heads to me. Behind me I could hear Justin walk down the stairs and then I felt he's breathing on my neck. I backed to the side a bit. "Ever heard of personal space kid?" I snapped.

He pouted making him look more like a child. "I'm not A kid."

"Oh really, you should look in the mirror." I smiled.

" Theres something I need to tell you," mom stood up. She waked over and glared at Justin. I could tell her glares would burn holes through anyone, Justin quickly walked over to Kenny and Scooter and sat down. "Privately." she added pulled me to the living room.

"okay, whats wrong?" I asked.

She sighed sitting on our couch. I did as well. "Honey I didn't want you to worry but anyways, I came up short this month."

"what does that mean?"

"I can't pay the house bills. I was planning for us to sell the house maybe and move to an apartment but Scooter told me about the video. He's willing to pay five thousand! That's enough to stay here for five months! I'll get two jobs. Then we can stay here!" she begged.

I grit my teeth. "No, I can't act! I'd have to look in that idiot kids eyes and pretend to love him! That'd be impossible! And I thought we hated his family."

She shrugged. "It's just one video sweetheart. You don't have to talk to him at all off set. Please, After this we can go back to normal. And never see those Bieber's again!"

I nodded, "...Fine."

Once Justin, Kenny and Scooter left I went ahead and got ready to go to bed for the night. Hoping that this was all a dream...

Ding dong!

I groaned and got up. I walked down stairs to the door. It rang another time, "SHUT UP ALREADY!" and flung the door open. I gasped, and jumped in his arms. "YOUR BACK!" he laughed and twirled me around in his arms.

"Yes sweetheart! I missed you so much!" he put me down.

"We thought you were dead dad." I smiled.

"What? No-"

"Toby?" mom came behind me. "Honey?"

Dad smiled, "Yes it's me."

Tears ran down her face and she jumped over to him. They kissed and hugged. I stood smiling. "TOBY!" moms shouts echoed away.

Ding Dong!

I shot out of bed. It was a dream. A tear ran down my face but I wiped it away. I got out of bed and walked down stairs. Then opened the door and-"OH MY GOSH!"

"I missed you so much, Girly"

It was....


Yes I know I'm evil. :p so what'd ya think? Good? Bad? Awful? Awesome? Epic? Okay? Tell me!

Also have any of you heard Skyscraper by Demi Lovato yet? It's beautiful and I hope you check it out. If you want to then it's on the sidebar just sayin. :) it made me cry.

Oh and please pray for Demetria's dad to get better. His kidneys failed and he's in bad condition. She's trying here best to be hyper and happy but it's hard for her, even though she's 16 she still cries at night about it. He may not make it. We don't know.

Just so you know 2 Years and Loves a Secret are my stories. I'm the belieber. I'm Bethany :) I just come on and update and occasionally message y'all. Demetria welcomes newcomers and all that. She is currently writing Half Alive. :) she's very talented! And she said right now she's working on Half Alive and two other stories as well. She texted me that she'll be uploading a new story sometime this year. Maybe this month, who knows?

But she also said that if she doesn't get comments or votes on it she will just not continue so I advise you to read it when it cones out. Personally I love the idea! It's not a fan fiction. There will be casting and all but it's not about Justin Bieber. Sad for me. She hates Justin Bieber. Lol I'm babbling sorry!

I love you guys!!!

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