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Today was the first Quidditch match of the season, Slytherin versus Ravenclaw. Since I was in Slytherin, and my boyfriend was Seeker for our House, naturally I would be rooting for them. But my best friends, minus Andromeda were all Gryffindor's. Of course, they would be cheering on Ravenclaw.

When Slytherin and Gryffindor played though, it was a nightmare. Of course, we would joke mainly with each other but that didn't mean we weren't mad if our House lost.

Anyway, as I got out of bed to get dressed for the day there was a knock at my door. I knew it wasn't Regulus since he had to eat breakfast early and head down to the Quidditch Pitch with the rest of the Slytherin team,

"Come in," I called out.

"Good morning, Kelsey," Narcissa said to me as she walked in and closed the door behind her.

She was dressed in her red robe with her light blue pajamas underneath.

"Hey, Narcissa, is everything okay?" She almost never came to this dorm.

"I was wondering if, well, if you would be willing to let be borrow some clothes?" She looked a tad embarrassed to ask me this but I was confused.

Now that I think about it, that's not shocking really, it seems I'm always confused.

"I mean yeah, no problem, but why?" I asked, going to grab her an outfit.

"It's these outfits my parents bought me. In case you haven't noticed, they stopped telling Bella and Dromeda what to wear a long time ago. I'm the youngest and they try to control me as much as they can." She sat on my bed annoyed, I could tell.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for everything they've given me, but I don't have a regular pair of jeans, or even a shirt to wear when I just want to relax." She flopped back on my bed.

She reminds me a lot of my sister, who I realized I hadn't even seen since the start of term.

Oops. I thought, I need to actually talk to her at some point.

I completely understood where Narcissa was coming from, my parents were like that with me, until they had Jamie. Regulus's aunt and uncle, Narcissa, Bellatrix, and Andromeda's parents, were very strict.

"Ah! Perfect," I grabbed a white pair of jeans and a long-sleeved emerald shirt.

"Here, go put this on," I told her and she grabbed the clothes from me and went to change in her room.

While she was gone I changed into my Slytherin sweater and some dark jeans, then putting on the locket Regulas gave me. I looked in my mirror and smiled at my reflection and put my wand in my back pocket. I decided against makeup today not wanting to bother.

It was a few minutes, and then Narcissa came back in.

"Well?" she twirled around and I smiled.

"You look great! If becoming an Auror doesn't work out for me I should go into fashion." I joked.

She laughed along with me and we decided to head to breakfast together. we saw Andromeda and Bellatrix in the common room having a heated argument on the way out.

"He's a filthy Mudblood and a Hufflepuff Dromeda, do Mother and Father know?" Bellatrix asked her sister.

Andromeda completely ignored her question, deciding instead to stand her ground.

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