New Start

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"Remind me again why I have to go to another school." Louis mumbles to his mom

"Because this school is nicer and will give you a better start in life"

Louis sighs as his mother speaks. He knows she wants the best for him but it's his last year of school and now he has to start all over and make all new friends and prove himself to all new teachers.

"Have a nice day, my little baby." His mom says kissing his cheek as they pull up in front of the huge school building.

"Thanks, mum." He says getting out of the car and running up the steps as his mom drives off

"New school, new start. I just have to make it a few months and then I'll be out of here and hopefully get into a good university like mum wants so that my time here doesn't become a huge waste of time" he thinks to himself as he goes to the office to get his list of classes and find out where everything is.

"Name please" the middle aged woman at the office asks

"Louis Tomlinson"

"Here is your list of classes" She gives him papers "Your home room will be just around the corner, and there should be someone that you have classes with in there to show you around"

"Thank you, ma'am." He says walking to his first class

"Tomlinson?" The teacher asks


"Nice to meet you! You may sit in the desk next to Miss. Andrews!" The older man points to a desk next to a small girl who's long hair was falling around her to cover her face

He walks over and notices her picking at her nails nervously as he sits down

"I don't bite." He says softly to her

She looks up for just a second to give a small smile before dropping her head again

"Tomlinson!" The teacher says

"Yes, sir?"

"Jack will be helping you find all your classes." He points to the boy in front of him "I expect the two of you to be friends"

"Yes, sir." Both boys says

Hours go by and Louis gets to talk to Jack a little between classes but still wonders about the quiet girl in his first class. Soon it's lunch and Jack leads Louis through the hallways.

"Hey, what's up with that girl who I sit by in home room?" Louis asks almost in a whisper afraid that someone might hear and think he's trying to start something

"Her name is Grace." Jack explains "A lot of guys here think she's hot or, you know . . . An easy target since she seems so naive, but no guy here has a chance because she is pretty much afraid of her own shadow therefore you probably couldn't even get her to be your friend."

"She's definitely cute" Louis admits

"Don't waste your time, mate."

"Whatever, I can probably get her to talk to me."

Jake rolls his eyes "I gotta go to a music lesson." He starts to walk away after he shows Louis where the lunch room is "Don't get yourself in trouble!" Jack says as he runs to his lesson

Louis just brushes off what Jack said and goes to get his food. After he gets it he notices Grace sitting all alone. He has to sit with her. Even if he didn't know anything about her he doesn't want anyone to be all alone.

He sits down next to her and she looks up at him nervously

"I have no where else to sit and you look nice so I figured I might could sit here if you don't mind" He says with a soft smile and she nods to give him approval.

After a few minutes of him trying small talk, and her just nodding softly to show she was listening, he notices a big black and blue mark on her leg poking out from where her skirt comes above her knee

"What's that?" He asks sounding a little confused and points to the mark

She looks down at it quick and then starts to get nervous "Nothing." She says quickly "I have to go." She mumbles running off before finishing her food

"What was that about?"
"Did she just talk to me?"
"Did I hurt her feelings?"
"Was it something that happened at birth?"
"Am I gonna get in trouble for this?"
"Should I go after her?"
"Is she gonna hate me now?"

So many thoughts running through Louis' mind as the bell rings announcing that it's time to get back to class

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