Too Late for Us

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It was everywhere.

The thick puddle around me expanded, seeping into the tan of my trench coat, as I knelt in it.

I looked down at the familiar freckles and green eyes that the horrible liquid belonged to.

My eyes burned with unshed tears and my throat with strangled sobs, as I held the dying hunter in my arms.

 I rocked us back and forth, cradling Dean's head in my hands, he looked up at me with pleading eyes and clutched my arm, digging his nails into my jacket.

"Cas" he cried. "Watch... watch out for Sammy" a horrible noise came from the hunter as the blood gurgled in his throat.

I let the tears fall freely now and held him closer to me as if it could possibly prolong the inevitable.

This was happening.  Dean was dying in my arms, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. No heavenly battle that needed fighting. No bringing him back this time. 

"Promise me, Cas" he said, voice muffled by the fabric of my suit between us.

"Of course, Dean I promise" I said.

His grip on my arm loosened and he began crying.

"I don'... wanna die... Cas" he said to me, choking back on the blood rising in his throat , now using every strength that he still had to return my embrace but failing as death slowly swallowed him, taking him away from this unforgiving world. Taking him away from me.

"I know Dean.  It's okay, I-I'm here" I stuttered, trying to comfort him, holding back my own sobs, but it was doing nothing for either of us.  The facts in front of us never changed.

He's slipping right through my fingers, like wet spaghetti.  And all I could do was hope that the crevices would thin to possibly slow the process and keep my hunter for just a little longer. Just enough to tell him all the things that I never got the chance to.

I didn't really have much of a grasp on human emotion, but I did know one thing. I loved Dean Winchester. Ever since the I had gripped his soul in hell, I knew that he would become the most important thing. That from then on I would do anything for him.  Angels always kinda knew that way, almost like humans when they talk about love at first site.  I didn't ever think I was susceptible to such nonsense, until I met Dean. That feeling you get in your chest that lets you know this is your life now. Not many angels experience it. But of the few that are lucky enough to find this person, I lay somewhere on that list, with Dean's name right next to mine, showing that he is mine, and I am his.  Me, his guardian angel, and he, my charge. The thing that saddened me the most then and there, is that he will never know that. And I will never get the chance to tell him.

I tried once again to heal his wounds but came up with results no different from the rest. It was like I was shooting Godzilla with a BB gun.  Dean showed me that movie. It was quite good.  I wished we could watch it together again.  His injuries combined with the extent of mine, was too much to ask my grace to fix.  All that I could do now was savor the small amount of time that remained on the ticking bomb that was Dean Winchester's life.

I had to make it worth it.  I couldn't let him leave without knowing the most important thing that either of us had ever lived for.   He needed to know that he was somebody else's reason to keep going. 

So I did the only thing that felt right. Something that seemed unnecessary all the other times, but completely necessary now.  "No chick flick moments", he'd always say.  I'd always thought that rule was ridiculous anyways.

I held him tight against my chest and whispered in his ear, as I heard his last breath leave his lungs.

"I love you"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2017 ⏰

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