How Pineapple met the squad.

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Pineapple hiked for a while not quite sure where he was going. He was thirsty and alone, felt like he had no where to go because he didn't. He needed a family, he needed romance, he needed adventure, but most importantly he needed friends. He wandered around the town for awhile when he came to a platypus shaped treehouse in the middle of the jungle. He didn't quite know how to feel about it but what he did know was that it felt like home as strange as it sounded. He saw a ladder leading up to the platypus house, he was eager to climb it and see what was waiting for him at the top but he was also terribly afraid. He didn't want to be judged because he wasn't like all the other pineapples and he didn't want to be eaten if at the top were strange animals who have been starving for days. He decided to wait a bit and see if anything came out of the house. Dawn came and he quickly fell asleep in a raspberry bush, about four hours later he was awoken by some rustling. He looked over the bush to see things that looked like four people in hoods... He was right these were four people in hoods. He saw them each take off their hoods one by one, he examined them each to get a feel at what they would be like. The first one took off their hood, he had curly hair and was very skinny. This was Brandon. The second one took off his hood, he had short hair and yelled Zimbabwe which puzzled pineapple but he didn't really mind it. This was Tyler. The third took off her hood, she had long hair and seemed to be a random wretch. This was Jasmine. He liked the idea of her because he's never seen a real life girl. When the fourth took off his hood pineapple was speechless. He was tall and looked like a discount superman. Pineapple didn't know what to say or feel, all pineapple knew was that he was a beautiful creature who pineapple must marry. This was Diego.

As Diego, Brandon, Jasmine, and Tyler started to climb the ladder Pineapple thought it was time to come out. He jumped out scaring the four of them causing Jasmine to have a heart attack. Tyler, Brandon, Diego and Pineapple stared at her, Pineapple asked if they should help her but they all just shook their heads then that's when Diego spoke. "She does that a lot. She'll be fine." Pineapple fell in love, disregarding everything he just said he just looked into his big brown eyes and admired him. He knew that he loved Diego. Diego was a little freaked out at the fact a Pineapple was staring him in the eyes but he felt a strange pull towards the Pineapple like he needed to be with it, like he needed to protect it, like he needed to love it.

After Jasmine woke up from her heartattack Tyler invited Pineapple inside for some Pineapple juice. Pineapple seemed that this was a little morbid considering he was about to drink juice from his distant cousin Juangelo who died last summer at the county fair when trying to ride a bullfrog. He drank anyways trying not to seem disturbed by this.

While inside they all introduced themselves except Brandon, he just stared out the window ominously. Pineapple didn't like the fact the Brandon seemed rude but he decided to give him a chance and waddled over to wear he stood. "Hello! My name is Pineapple the 47th. I believe your name is Brandon. Nice to meet you!" Brandon just slowly turned to stare at Pineapple, he seemed to be giving him a death glare. Pineapple immediately regretted his decision and started to back away slowly when out of nowhere Diego tackles Brandon yelling "HOOTIE HOO!!" as they are falling out the window. Jasmine and Tyler started laughing uncomfortably while Pineapple just stood there confused but just decided to go with it. From the bottom of the platypus treehouse you hear a loud bang then a somewhat manly shriek coming from Brandon which was brought upon from Diego falling on top of him. "What the hell Diego?!?!?" You hear Brandon scream then Diego just laughing hysterically. After they both come back up to the living room area they start to hear a loud humming noise. At first they all thought it was just coming from the tv but it was actually coming from outside. The bright light shinning in through the windows was soon gone and the room was pitch black. They all ran towards the east wall of the house so they were opposite of the door but then a sharp cry for help was heard and they all realized that it was coming from Pineapple. The giant bees have broken through the door and were all grabbing at pineapple ready to tear him to shreds. Diego sprung into action thinking there was no way he could ever let anything happen to his precious new pineapple friend. He runs at the bees full speed ready to drop kick them when he accidentally flys out the window causing Pineapple to lose all hope and preparing for his death when all the bees burst into laughter dropping Pineapple so he has enough time for him and the others to escape. The all climb down the ladder rapidly picking Diego up and dragging him to the banana spaceship hidden under the platypus treehouse. They all fly away and they are flying for awhile when they finally reach Niagara Falls and start descending into the waterfall then suddenly the engine stops and Tyler screams "WE'RE OUT OF POTASSIUM!!" so now instead of slowly descending they are now hurdling down into the heart of the water.

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