Spy x Reader

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Hide and Seek :3
You snickered as you his in the closet of your room. You never had lost a single game of hide and seek, and you were certain this time would be no different. You saw Heavy walk in the room, and start looking for you. "Where is little girl?" He asked. After a few moments he finally gave up and left. "What an idiot." You heard a French-accented voice comment. You smiled, you knew immediately it was Spy. He smiled as he pulled you into a deep kiss. The kisses went down from your jawline to your neck, where he began searching for your sweet spot. He almost immediately found it, and you moaned in pleasure. He worked his way up your shirt, and massaged your breats, earning another moan of pleasure from you. He began to unbutton your shirt, as he continued to fondle your breasts. You felt yourself soaking through your panties. You wanted-no you needed him. All of the sudden, the closet door opened, leaving a horrified Scout starting at you both.

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