Demoman x Reader

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For A Follower (You know who you are lol)

You and Demoman had been dating for a few months now, and the team still teased you two for how it happened. It was a late Saturday night, and your team had one the battle today. To celebrate, Spy, Sniper, Heavy, Pyro, and Scout were playing poker. Solider and Medic were playing darts, Engineer was somewhere (idk), while you and Demoman were drinking on the balcony. You were filled to the brim with alcohol, and were beyond tipsy. But, Demoman had gone through two six packs and wasn't even fazed. You ended up confessing your feelings for the Scott, one thing led to another and you were dating. Still, you wanted to take your relationship beyond kissing. But, every time you tried to make a move, it would make Demo tense up, and make some weird excuse to leave. It was about the only time you saw him nervous. You were sitting on the couch pondering this, when Spy appeared next to you. "What's the matter, mon cherie?" He asked, blowing some smoke from his cigarette. "Nothing, I just want to take my relationship with Demoman further," you said. Spy laughed a little before saying,"I know a way you two can get more intament." Your eyes lit up, as you schooched closer to him. "Tell me." Spy began to lay out his plan. "You need to get him drunk, or at least tipsy, but that won't be a problem. Then, just try to seduce him. He's only had one girlfriend, and he just needs to be seduced." Spy said. You nodded, and ran out of the room.

-Time skip brought to you by Hetalia-

You knocked softly on Demoman's door, knowing well that he was in there. "Demo can I come in?" You asked in a sweet tone. "Come in..." he said lazily, which signified he was drunk. Step one, check. "Okay, but close your eye." You had a bathrobe on that covered your bra and panties. "My eyes are closed, lassy," Demo said. You opened the door, and stripped the bathrobe off. Then, you climbed onto the bed, and kissed Demo passionately. You pulled away before saying,"You can open them now." As soon as his eye opened, he got up and closed the door, before tackling you on the bed.

Yeah, I'm leaving you hanging. Please comment if you want a lemon part.

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