Chapter 44

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WARNING: There will be cursing and violence in this chapter. If you hate cursing I advise you to not read it but if you don't mind it. Enjoy!

You've been warned!

Mason POV

I stared at Lottie's father with disgust not believing this was happening. This had to be some sort of sick joke.

How could Lottie's father do this to her? Once I get her back and safe in my arms I do not care if he is her father I will slaughter him for doing this.

"How can you do this? To your family!" I growled.

"Don't talk to me about FAMILY" He spat eyeing me with disgust.

"Your family ruined that!" He growled, lunging for me but missing as I side stepped his attack.

"And your going to hurt your daughter because of it!? You sick mother fucker! She loves you!" I snarled clenching my hands into a fist and taking a swing at him making her lose his footing.

"And this is how you repay her!" I bark throwing another punch into the gut, the sound of him gasping and grunting as the wind is knocked out of him is music to my ears.

"You know nothing!" He grunts quickly getting back up, his stance turning into one of attack.

"Your family ruined my life! Destroyed my only happiness! And to make matters worse my daughter" He spits, like it's the most vile word he knows glaring at me me with hatred before continuing "Has become a part of you" He hissed.

"She's no daughter of mine. The goddess would never do this to me, she'd never make my child mate with my enemy." He snaps lunging for me his claws coming out, this time narrowly missing it, growling as I feel him scratch the side of my ribs.

"What did my family ever do to you!? What did we do to make you turn your back against your own daughter" I bark out.

"You killed my mate!" He snarls his eyes turning black and I knew his wolf was taking over at the mention of his mate.

"Me? You told us it was a rogue attack!" I argued.

"That's what I thought at the start, it's what I told Lottie because she was too little to understand. When I went searching for those bastards, I found out that it wasn't rogues. They were people from your pack! You guys caused my mate to die! You caused my own daughter to lose her mother! You're the cause of everything that's happening!" He snarled.

It happened so fast, one minute we were growling at each other and then he lunged for me once more taking me off guard as he shifted into his wolf.

Ducking, I narrowly miss his mouth taking a bite to my neck but instead takes contact with my shoulder making me hiss in pain.

Grabbing his body I shove him off clawing at his skin.

Turning towards him, I see him lunging at me, sliding underneath him, I dig my hands into his legs causing him to howl in pain, falling to the ground, shifting back into a human.

"You were the family that some of our members tried to annihilate weren't you?" I questioned already knowing the answer.

"That was only because you had killed their children! What did you expect!? Look. We're sorry that happened to you, but that wasn't our fault! Whatever you have against them is with them!" I reasoned but he just shook his head.

"I don't want to hear the same bullshit your father told me. I don't give a shit, I'm going to slaughter your pack! They will regret killing my mate" He shouted and I knew no matter what I said he would not listen to reason, his revenge was the only thing he cared about.

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