Chapter 29 - Results

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I let Yoongi in my room and we chatted a little before lunch is ready.

Lunch was prepared by my parents, "bi bim bap", my favorite.

Mom and appa asked quite a lot about Yoongi like what does his parents do and such.

Yoongi's mother is on a business trip for 6 months, she's a really good business woman since his dad left them already.

His mom will be back in 5 months time.

Mom asked to have a family dinner with his mom when she comes back. My parents seemed to really like Yoongi xD

Lunch time is over means fun time is over. Mom and appa decided to go on a groceries shopping AGAIN ._.

Of course Yoongi wouldn't be alone with me in a house right.. It's getting late so he's going back too.

Which means I'm alone.

I started with the 50 inch tv, it's actually my first time watching it alone.

I opened its "smart" program which you could go online with it. I went online for some running man.

I watched some running man ever since in America, cause I'm bored most of the time.

I watched it and just how much I wished to be an idol, so I could be invited to running man ahhh xD

I ran out of stuff to watch so I decided to do some exercises.

Jogging sounds great right? Ill just jog around here a bit.

I went upstairs and threw up some exercise clothings. I got myself a bottle of water just in case and went off.

I started to jog and jog and jog.

Well this time I know where I'm going, not lost at all.

I was so exhausted so I went to the park where I first went and sat on a swing.

My head starting hurting again, it's getting worser and I have nothing to do with it. I grabbed my head and knocked on it a few times.

A sudden tap on my shoulder scared shit outta me. I looked up shocked, when is there a person standing in front of me?!

He wasn't that tall, choker and messy hair.

"Are you okay?" He asked me. That slang, maybe he's not korean.

My head hurts to shake so I waved my hand, "no.. Not really." I forced out.

"H-huh? Can I help you?" He asked again.

He seemed worried so I forced a fake smile.

"Trust me, it's not the first time.. I'll get better later." I said "Trust me" in English.

"Okay then.. Are you a foreigner?" He asked.

Well see my headache got better, I knew it.

"I'm from America, and you?"

"I'm from Thailand, your name?" He said. Thailand... Interesting. Did I mentioned that he looks good? Like dayum, YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND GIRL.

"Ah... U-h.. Yeonji, Min Yeonji." I smiled.

"Bam bam. Also Kunpimook Bhuwakul." He smiled showing teeth.

Kunpi--what? Bam bam... Such cute name.

"Bambam.. That's such a cute name."

"And you're pretty~"

Did he just called me pretty? Asdfghjkl~

"Ah, mianhae." Bambam said.

"No- you don't have to be sorry, I- I just-" I stuttered, why?

"Do you have a boyfriend?"


I didn't just stop there, my phone rang.


"Honey? Where are you?" It's mom.

"I'm at the park." I answered.

"Come home now! We're going to the hospital." She half shouted.

"Why? Is there something? Is it.. My results?" I asked worried.

"We don't know too, Susan just asked us to go as soon as we can, come home faster!" She added and cut off.

What is happening? I turned and left.

"Hey! You haven't answer my question!" Bambam shouted from a distance.

"Maybe next time! I have to go!" I shouted back.

"Will we meet again??" He asked shouted.

"I don't know! Maybe? Bye!" I turned and left.

I really hope I could see him again, he's sweet.

I ran back home using all the remaining strength I have. Mom and appa are already in the car waiting.

I guess I don't have time to change, I went in the car.

We travelled to the hospital for the 2th time, but this time I couldn't think straight..

Is it about my results? Is there something wrong with my brain? That was causing the pain?

I couldn't think probably I kept thinking of the reasons why it had to be rushed.. Something must've been wrong.

We went to Aunty Susan's office as soon as we reached.

I knew I wasn't ready.. What will she say?

But things just couldn't wait so here goes nothing.

We knocked on the door and there's a response to it.

"Come in."

Mom slide opened the door and we went in.

"Ah, you guys came.." Aunty Susan started.

"So what's the matter? Is there something?" Mom panicky asked.

"I don't know how to start.. Can you both give a second for Meryl and I?" Aunty Susan said.

It's something serious.

My heart dropped.

"Why? Couldn't we hear it together?" Appa asked.

"I thought maybe Meryl should know it first.." She said.

"Okay then.. Let's go." Mom said and left with apps leaving only me and Aunty Susan in the small office.


"Aunty Susan.. Is it, something serious?" I asked worriedly.

"Darling you have... Have.. Brain cancer."


I have... What?

No. She must be kidding.

Me? Brain cancer?

"I'm sorry darling.. It's stage 2 already.. Why didn't you come earlier?"


I can't let my tears fall, it's not death.. Right?

"Can it be healed?" I asked in a shaky voice.

"It can be.. But it's a 50-50." She said.

"Does that mean I- I might..die?" I asked.

"Don't think that way darling, I will find the best doctor to heal you. I'm afraid I won't be the one that does, brains are difficult." She continued.

I nodded.

I wanted to cry, but I couldn't..

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