Chapter 14

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"Travis wheres your helmet?!" I screamed as I came in to the house. The stairs creaked and soon Travis stood in front of me and Joey. He quickly glanced at Joey, and then looked at me.

"Who's he?" Travis asked and pointed at the boy at my right. Travis probably thought that Joey was my boyfriend or something like that. And I could imagine his thoughts of me going away again; but with a boy! Honestly, I'd never do that.

"This is Joey. Joey this is Travis," I said and introduced them to each other.
"Jaxon didn't want Joey to join our pack, so Im going to get him a pack. I'll be back tomorrow. So, wheres your helmet?" Travis looked a bit confused. I would be too, if I was him. Travis shook his head.

"You ain't going anywhere..." Travis said. I groaned and punched the wall to get the anger off of me. But of course; the wall broke. Now we have a hole in the middle of the wall. Great!

"C'mon. Travis, Joey needs to get a pack. And I know the perfect one for him!" I said and put my arm around Joey's shoulders. Travis shook his head once again.

"Then I'll ask Willow," I said and went to the living room. And as I thought, Willow was sitting watching TV. She was probably watching some kind of cooking program.

"Hey Stella..." She began but shut her mouth as she saw Joey. "Who is he?" She asked, looking at Joey.

"Joey, this is Joey. He needs a pack and Jaxon wont let him join ours, and I got the perfect one for him. But Travis wont let him borrow his helmet," I said and Willow gave him a sad smile.

"Which pack?" Willow asked me, still looking at Joey.

"The one I was at..." I murmured, but made sure that she heard. I looked down at my feet and bit the inside of my chin.

"I can drive you there," She looked at me and shut off the TV.


"No, I'll drive you there. Which pack?" She said and started walking to the hall. Joey and I followed her.

"The blood moon's" I said. Se nodded and took her car keys and we went out to the car.

It was quite cold outside now and it was starting to get dark. I sat down in the back of the car, next to Joey.

Willow started driving when we had put on our seat belts. Great, a two hour drive with my mom and Joey.

"So, Joey, how old are you?" Willow asked, obviously curious about this boy.

"Fourteen," He said and looked out the window. I did so too. There where trees on both sides of the car.

"Have you been rouge all your life?" Willow asked. She was a very curious woman. Sometimes she asked super irrelevant questions and realizing what she asked when the person looks sad or angry.

"Yep, but I don't want to anymore," He said and tilted his head to look down at his feet. I could see Willow nodding in the corner of my eye.

"How did you and Stella meet?" Willow asked him as she focused at the road.

"I was running in the forest and was lost. Then I saw her and decided to follow her because she looked like she knew the way out, then she heard me and we started talking. She said I could join her pack, but that didn't work..." He said.

"Are we there yet?" I asked Willow, even though I knew that we'll have to drive for about an hour more to get there.

"No. In about an hour or so," Willow said, still looking at the road. But that was good, I really don't want to crash.

My eyelids felt heavy, really heavy. I closed them.

"Maddie?" I asked a little brown haired girl who stood in a pink princess dress in front of me.

"Yeah?" The little girl said and sat down in front of me.

"We're besties right?" I asked and she giggled and nodded. I smiled. My little hands went into hers.

"And besties tell each other everything right?" She nodded as an answer to my question.

"I'll tell you all my secrets, no matter what!" She said, super seriously.

"And I'll tell you mine." I said and put my little hand over my heart. She mimicked me and her other hand slipped out of mine.

"I HAVE A CRUSH ON TIMMIE!" She shouted and which made me giggle.

"Stella we're here!" Joey said as he slapped me to wake me up.

"Chill, Im awake!" I said and took off my seat belt and went out of the car.

"Follow me," I said to both Joey and Willow. Then I ran into the building.

"Hello?!" I shouted and I heard someone scream, followed by some laughs. We followed the sounds and came into the living room.

"Stella!" Sophie jumped onto me, almost making me fall. Soon I was in the middle of a group hug.

"What are you doing here?" Max, a really cute guy, said. They all let go off me and then they looked at Joey and Willow.

"Joey here needs a pack," I said pointing towards Joey. He smiled at them and they nodded.

"Our stupid alpha wouldn't let him join our pack, so I immediately thought of you. Plus that I wanted to meet y'all," I said.

"And she?" Max asked, pointing towards Willow.

"Thats Willow. You guys know who she is," I said and shrugged. I had told them all about my family. Every thing from what their names were, to what they used to eat for breakfast. I had told them about how girlish Travis were, but how he still were 100% guy-ish. I had told them about Willows strawberry smell and how she got fixed in the morning. Connor, oh boy. I had told them about his car obsession, how loving he was to his son and that he wore socks in his sandals.

Max nodded, making his brown fluffy hair wiggle. He was much longer than me, almost 15 cm. Unfortunately he made fun out of me for being so "short". I wasn't that short, I was about 176 cm long. Compared to Sophia's 166 cm, that was quite long.

"Can someone take Joey to the alpha and ask if he can join the pack?" I asked, mostly towards Tanya. Tanya was the alphas daughter and she was the only one he really cared for, besides his mate. Tanya nodded and took Joey with her to her dads office.

"Are we sleeping here?" I asked Willow, but she shook her head. I knew that she didn't like sleeping at somewhere else than at home.

"Alright, we'll go now. I'll pay a visit soon, I promise!" I said and hugged all my friends once again. Although I really wanted to stay, I really wanted to sleep at home.

"Oh, and guys, be nice to Joey! Bye!" I said and walked out with Willow. I heard them all say a "bye" before we left.


I hope you had a super nice day today! (Or I hope that your day will be super nice)

Im already writing chapter 19 muhaha! And theres going to be a lot happening *wink*


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