Brave The Storm

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"All hands hoay!" a loud voice booms.

Seamen of all ages scramble to the deck, staring at their captain. They watch the young man's pacing figure, curious as to what he's about to say.

"Aye, Captain Kirkland?"

He ignores their questions, staring towards his boots as he walks, back and forth, back and forth. They stand nervously, thoughts wandering. Has someone committed a crime? Who might be walking the plank? Has there been talk of mutiny?

After nearly seven minutes, a new voice sounds. "Aye, sorry I'm late, Kirkland."

Emerald eyes shoot up, staring straight at the tall first mate. People near him shrink at the caustic gaze, but he grins none the less.

Finally, after a minute of gazing intensely at his first mate, the captain speaks. "There be a storm brewing, from the east. Prepare the ship." He sees his crew nod. "You're all dismissed, except you, Jones. I need to speak with you in my quarters."

Seemingly clueless, the first mate bounds after the captain.

"Poor Jones," one crewman whispers to another. "Doesn't know Kirkland's gonna lash out at 'im."Kirkland closes the door behind the two, facing the first mate. The tall, blue eyed lad looks right back, a grin on his face. "Yes, Artie?"

"Hold on." He turns, facing the door, and opens it, startling a few crewmen behind it. "Oi! Get to work! Next time I see you off task, you'll become a Swabbie!" They scatter off.

Arthur closes the door, turning back to his first mate. "You need to start getting to places on time.""But I was just finishing a carving!"

"I don't care. What if you just don't show up? Do you understand what that leads me to believe?"


"It makes me think you fell overboard, or someone killed you. I can't have that happening. It worried me."

"You're worried about me, Arthur?" Alfred coos.

"Of course I am, you heathen. You know that."

Alfred cups the captain's face between his tan hands, smiling sweetly at the other. "Love you, Artie," he murmurs.

"Love you, too, Alfred."

Alfred slowly leans down his eyes flicking between emerald irises and pink lips. Their eyes flutter closed, but as soon as their lips meet, someone yells from outside. "Aye, Captain Kirkland! The storm's almost here!"

Arthur groans, looking up at Alfred. They kiss briefly, before opening the door. "And if I don't see you working, I'll punish ye myself!" Arthur yells, looking angered with his secret lover."Aye, Captain."

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