That peaceful feeling

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Beca couldn't sleep. She was feeling uncomfortable curled up at the edge of the bed, concentrating on that position. Her ear hurt from keeping it on the pillow for too long but she refused to turn her head to Chloe's direction. No eye contact, no contact at all. Beca didn't want to mess up things.

The evening had been relaxed and enjoyable. Chloe made herself comfortable under the sheets and Beca carefully got in bed at a safe distance. They chose a comedy though, so the separation didn't last long because the redhead would turn on her side and laugh against Beca's shoulder. Of course the brunette loved that feeling and she laughed too, but always letting Chloe do the moves. There was this bit of tension in the movie where the woman looked at the man and he looked back at her intently... The air in Beca's room became thick, it was hard to breath for both of them and the only audible things were the movie soundtrack and Chloe and Beca's heartbeats. Both women kept their eyes fixed on the screen, not moving an inch. Their minds were daydreaming though, they wanted to be like those characters from the movie. Chloe and Beca fought so hard to avoid searching for the blue eyes by their side. And they succeeded. When the movie ended it was already late so after a few comments about the funniest parts (avoiding the romantic ones) both friends decided it was time to sleep. That's when Beca curled up near the edge of the bed looking at the night table and that's how she has been trying to sleep for the last two hours. Her mind was full of Chloe.

Chloe on the other side of the bed, couldn't sleep either. She was trying her best because she really wanted to have all the energy for work the next day. In part that was what kept her from sleeping. She felt terrified and excited at the same time about going back to work. Mostly excited though. She felt the change for the past weeks, something was different in her. Chloe was feeling stronger, self confident and happier. She went out of the apartment during the day and during the night. She laughed and danced. Definitely the old Chloe was coming back and there was nothing depression could do about it anymore. Everything thanks to Beca.

Beca... Chloe was on her side with eyes wide open looking at Beca's back. Just like you do with a small kid, Beca left the bathroom lights on so Chloe wouldn't feel scared in case she woke in the middle of the night and there was pure darkness around her in a strange place. It wasn't necessary at all, Chloe was feeling really well and didn't even care if she wasn't in her apartment. Wherever Beca was felt like home. Nevertheless the light dimly illuminated the bedroom and it was great help for Chloe to see Beca next to her on the bed. The redhead's eyes lingered on every inch of Beca's silhouette just like they used to do years ago. Nothing had changed. The feeling was still there even though Chloe had tried so hard to take it off her heart. The brunette's unsteady breath showed she wasn't feeling well. Chloe reached out to place her hand on Beca's waist but stopped half way. Instead she brought her arm to her chest and closed her eyes to focus on sleeping once again. A few seconds later Beca let out a groan, giving up and turning around to face Chloe. She found Chloe's eyes glowing back at her.

"Hi" Chloe said simply.

"Can't sleep?" Beca asked with her sleepy voice.

"Nope. You can't sleep?"


And both friends just spent the next countless minutes staring at each other. Slowly their eyelids started to close and they drifted off to a peaceful dream until the morning.

First thing Beca felt was warmth against her hand. As her mind was waking up from the dreams she also felt something tickling her nose. Scrunching her face she lazily opened her eyes and saw red hair. Took a second to understand what was happening. Somehow during the night her efforts to keep distance between Chloe and her didn't succeed and they ended up spooning. Who in a hundred years would have thought Beca Mitchell would end up being someone's big spoon in bed? But yet there she was, feeling so protective and comfortably. Apparently Chloe was comfortable too. Beca couldn't stop herself and she kissed Chloe's shoulder softly. As the alarm went off the brunette reluctantly moved her hand from Chloe's tummy and got up to make breakfast.

One hour and a half later, Chloe was stepping in the building where she works. She was rehearsing in her head how she would talk to her students and co-workers, what she would say. But that proved to be unnecessary when five adults and 20 kids were standing in the entrance hall smiling widely at her. Chloe's first reaction was surprise, and she stopped her tracks bringing her hands to the open mouth. Then she read the signs they were holding and her expression transformed into a smile.

"We missed you miss Chloe"

"Welcome back"

"This isn't the same without you"

When Chloe showed her beautiful smile to them and brought her hands to her chest, overwhelmed by happiness and relief, the kids exchanged looks and decided to run towards her. The music teacher was surrounded by 20 hugs that made a big one and she couldn't keep her happy tears inside anymore. That hug was followed by five more, from her colleagues. They all whispered welcoming words in her ears and the only thing she could say was "Thank you" over and over again. Last but not least, her boss approached with a smile too, and hugged her tightly. He apologized for the hurry but said they needed Chloe there to get things ready for the big performance at the end of the year. Chloe nodded in agreement and promised she would work hard for that.

Before getting to the actual job with the kids, Chloe had a meeting with her co-workers so they could let her know what they have been doing during all this time. Even though Chloe had been working from her apartment e-mailing arrangements for the songs, she had to be informed about how those arrangements were being introduces in the performances. Following the boss' instructions the meetings had been planned to be individual so Chloe had been talking to each of her colleagues for half an hour each. The last one was the closest to her, Anna.

"Wait Chlo, before we start talking about work... Wow I almost don't recognize you! What happened to you?"

"What do you mean?" Chloe asked Anna, confused.

"Oh don't get me wrong, I love it! I mean, you were so down and nervous before... now you're just... stronger!" Anna said kindly squeezing Chloe's arm.

Chloe smiled and simply said, "Yeah I got someone special back in my life" her eyes looked down at her hands on the table.

"Hey" Anna called, again squeezing Chloe's arm kindly. "That is amazing. Don't let them go again. Whoever it is, it seems they are a light in your life"

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