Chapter One

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Hannah's P.O.V.

'So what are you planning on doing its not like you can just change your look and poof Justin freaking Dawson acknowledges you' Laura said with a mouthful of sugar cookies. I scrunched my nose and laughed. She was disgusting in a cute Laura way. I shrugged my shoulders and took another bite of my own cookie. I really hadn't thought that far ahead. I guess I just thought if I looked like how he wanted me to he would do the rest of the work. 'Well your going to have to do something' She continued. She was right but what was I suppose to do.
'Well what do you expect? It's not like I'm able to walk up and be like Hi Justin I'm Hannah I look hot don't I? Wanna hook up?' I laughed. She instantly perked up. It took me a second to understand why.
"Why not? That's how Tate would do it." She giggled. I very dramatically rolled my eyes. Laura had a very large obsession with American Horror Story. Don't get me wrong I loved the show and I especially loved Tate but Laura just took it to an extreme. She made it boring. It was all she talked about nonstop. It was honestly very tiring. Perhaps that's how she felt about me when I talked about Justin.
"You and your damned AHS" I grumbled. She shrugged happily and gave me her your point is face. I wish I was Tate so I could do something like that though. It's probably the type of chick Justin would be into. The assertive and straight forward type. It would make sense since that's how he acts. Although isn't it suppose to be opposites attract or something of the sort. Who cares he hasn't noticed me when I am me so it's time to try something new.
'Anyway you just have to get into his head. Find a way to talk to him and make him not want you to leave. Become the complete and total opposite of the normal Hannah. Not that Hannah was ever normal' she cracked a smile. It's true. I am far from normal. I smiled along with her and we rambled on the rest of the night. She had lots of good ideas when it came to this kind of stuff. Laura was more socially active then I could ever be. She went to parties, went out on dates, had more than one friend, people acknowledged her on a daily basis. We were polar opposites. Maybe it's that opposites attract thing again. We are so different that we just get along.
I shifted from side to side nervously as I waited for Laura at her locker. My new hair was getting a few looks but not to many. As Laura turned the corner of the hall she looked me up and down. 'You look like a stoner' She smiled. I nodded as I looked down at my clothes. Ripped light blue skinny jeans and a long black loose men's T-shirt I had to borrow from my older brother. I wore a black beanie over my hair exactly how the girl I saw with Justin had. Normal black and white converse and I even had the face. I was trying to give off a I don't care vibe. Whether it was working or not was beyond me. 'Shall we' Laura asked linking her arm with mine. We both had Art together which Justin was also apart of. Not that he acted like it. I wonder if he even knew what his classes actually were.
'Lets get this over with' I sighed nervously. As we walked down the hall there was an obvious smell of pot. When I turned around my heart leaped. Justin was walking right behind us. We caught eye contact for the slightest moment before he went back to his phone. I looked back immediately and casually elbowed Laura. She gave me a questioning look and I made a small head nod to behind us. She turned around and her eyes practically bulged out of their sockets. 'He's early' she mouthed to me with no sound. I shrugged and nodded. We went into our class room and sat at our usual table of just the two of us.
I thought I was gonna throw up I was so nervous. He was across the table from me and Laura was next to me. Justin's usual loner table was filled with student teachers or something of the sort so he sat with us instead. Out of the six possible tables he chose this one. He looked up casually, raising an eyebrow. 'Staring problem?' His deep voice spat. I shook my head. He scoffed and rolled his eyes dramatically. 'Take a picture it lasts longer' He smirked. Before I knew what was going on my mouth was already open and speaking.
'Actually no it wouldn't because a picture is paper and could easily deteriorate when you as a human will most likely live longer there for a picture doesn't always last as long as the real deal' I stated. Laura was staring at me like I was crazy. Justin's eyebrows were scrunched slightly as if he was thinking. Or maybe he was just deciding whether or not to flea to a new table.
'Ok.' He went back to his phone. I felt like the weight of the world was suddenly lifted off my shoulders when he looked away. I mentally slapped my forehead. Laura was trying not to burst into hysterics. I gave her a death glare and she instantly shut up.
'On that note..... Hannah you wanna hang this afternoon' Laura asked. I looked at her. Didn't she remember our conversation last night about how I couldn't hang out.
'I thought I already told you my parents...' She quickly cut me off.
'Are gonna be out of town. Right the party. I totally forgot about your party' She winked. I didn't catch on right away but when I did I felt like suffocating Laura. She knows there's no way in hell I would get away with throwing a party. Even if my parents are actually going out of town. I noticed at the mention of the word party Justin's phone was lowered a little. He didn't look at us but he obviously was listening in.
'Yeah man your coming right? It'll be crazy' I laughed slightly. I fumbled for words and reactions. Laura nodded in her approval of my choice. I saw the evil schemes already in her brain. When Laura got her gears turning there was no going back.
'I'll be there. Your brothers dealer is hooking us up right?' She winked. My eyes widened. My brothers dealer was scary as fuck. He was scarier than my brother. My brother was pretty damn scary. Six foot tall skinny ass dude with gauges as big as a Pepsi can. That would be my brother.
'Ugh... I think so..... I haven't exactly talked to Jayce about it?' I was under the spotlight and my brother was never a good subject. I felt myself starting to get the urge to scratch my arm out of nervous habit. Justin set his phone on the table.
'Need a hook up?' He asked looking me dead in the eyes. I had to go over the sentence about a billion times in my head before I understood we were talking drugs. The face he made seemed straight business. I looked at Laura who gave me an unnoticeable head nod.
'Depends what you got?' I responded. I wasn't sure if the confusion was as prominent in my voice as it felt. He smirked and leaned in close.
    'I gotcha don't worry. When and where is the party?' He asked. His breathe engulfing my nostrils. Who smokes before school? Isn't that a little sketchy. I examined his red eyes and Laura kicked my foot under the table.
    'Uhm so you know that house that's right next to yours. The one with the tall stoner' I scratched my arm awkwardly. I knew he was aware of my brother. They didn't exactly consider each other friends but they would occasionally smoke together. My brother tended to talk a lot of shit about Justin. I'm sure Justin did the same with my brother.
    'Your Jayce's sister?' He asked, shocked. I was even more shocked that he knew I existed. I could feel Laura inching closer to me with her elbow. She was gonna go all out in our plan now. It was obvious it was to late to back out now.
    'You've heard of me' I laughed slightly. He gave me a quick look up and down. His face seemed confused but satisfied.
    'You aren't exactly how your brother describes you.... Do you have another sister or something' He asked. He laughed to himself quietly. I shook my head no and he shrugged. It made me very curious as to what my brother described me as. Probably a really bitchy stuck up goody goody.
    'Well the party is at my place. Tomorrow night. There's no designated time it's just more of a drop in when you feel like it' I explained. He nodded and picked up his phone again.
    'Make a face. Ima post the deeds to meh peeps Aight' He said holding up his phone to me. He was taking a picture. I lifted one side of my lip and made the ratchet symbol. It seemed like a legit party photo. He chuckled and started tapping away on his phone. 'See you then' he said right before the bell rang. He was up and out of the class before anyone even had time to blink. Laura turned me to her and squealed.
    'You did it!' She was practically jumping up and down. I rolled my eyes and felt anger burn my veins. She stopped once she was under the power of my death glare.
    'ARE YOU KIDDING ME? A PARTY!' I yelled. She cowered under me. I stormed out of class leaving her there. There was no way in hell I could get away with throwing a party. Especially not one Justin Dawson is hooking up. We are gonna be hella loaded. I decided to call the only person that I knew who could help. I went through my contacts till I found Jayce's name.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2015 ⏰

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