Two motor bikes zoomed down the street, dodging cars and busses in the midnight light. The loud noises of engines and police sirens filled the air and the smell of smoke from the back of the car polluted the atmosphere.
"Hannah, James, theres unusual radiation levels in an abandon factory in the industrial district to the left," A voice spoke clearly through the speakers in the two driver's helmets.
"Its Llama Woman," One of the drivers replied as the two bikes turned a corner and sped towards where most the smoke came from.
"Ok, Llama woman,"
The two bikes halted to a stop at the side of an abandonned factory.
"Ok Henry what are we looking for?" The other person, James, said, taking his helmet off and revealing black hair. Hannah took off her helmet and long brown hair fell from it. "Your looking for something that could hold alot of radiation,"
"Such as?"
"I dont know, maybe some sort of bomb?"Henry sat in a large circular room infront of three glowing computers, behind him were two large cases, with a dummy in each one, preferably where there would be a suit of some kind fitted on. Henry leaned forward towards the suit and typed quickly on the silver keyboard. The screen showed a code of some sort then a video came up. "I have the CCTV footage now," Henry hummed as his eyes were diverted to a thermal scanner on another screen.
"Two people," He scowled, "Wait one," One of the thermal shapes disappeared."A bomb?!" Hannah hissed as the two entered the factory.
"Theres one person there...?" Henry said into the speaker.
James ran ahead and ducked behind a cargo box then peered over and spied on the people.
A man with two swords attatched to his back, throwing knives attatched to his legs, two guns attatched to his waist, and other weapons attatched to him was stood infront of a green glowing box. - Marijn. "Are we ready?" The man said.
"Yes, one more minute," Anoter voice said, a womans.
"Is there another person here?" Hannah whispered.
"Its Shadow," Henry realized, "A woman capable of turning her and objects invisable,"
"Didnt we put her in prizon?" James whispered.
"Yeah but its easy for an invisable girl to escape," Henry reasoned."With all the Superhumans revealed we'll be able to annhilate the competition, one be one," The girl materialized with a grin on her face.
"Thats all I needed to hear," James growled, flinching slightly as the world around him slowed down into a slow motion setting. He ran to the green box and examined it, then stood up and pushed over Marijn who fell in slow motion. Time resumed and Marijn tumbled backwards. James swung his leg backwards and hit Shadow in the face who fell backwards. Hannah ran forward with a lion at her side and stared down at the villains.
"Tell me what the hell this does or youll become my lions dinner,"