Chapter Three

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Marijn grinned slightly as the explosion fizzled out and the red box switched off.
"What did that do?" Henry asked slowly.
" It didnt affect all," James realized.
"Then what did it do?" Henry repeated.
Marijn grabbed the knife and ripped it out of his chest, Shadow smirked and disappeared before the Lion pounced.
"Hey what about me?" Marijn scoffed, "Well, adios amigos," He took out a buton and pushed it, a motorbike smashed through a window and stopped infront of Marijn, who sat on it and drove out.
"But what did it do?" Henry angrily shouted. He took a bite of his burger and moved his Wheely Chair along to another screen.
"Woah look at this" Henry typed quickly, "About twenty spots of green radiation dotted round the city. Lemme get a zoom in... Theyre people, there are people emitting a green glow, Wierd,"
"The bomb did that?"
"Whats special about them twenty people?" James asked.
"I dont know... Hey one of them is near you, go check her out," Henry wheeled along again.
The two heros sprinted outside and round the corner, seeing a woman investigating the sickly green glow showing from her skin.
She flinched as she saw Hannah and James walk towards her.
"Ah!" She shouted, turning round to run.
"Stop!" James set his hand out and she froze in a bubble of frozen time.
"Quick i only have ten seconds before she unfreezes," James ran over infront of the Girl.
She unfroze and fell onto James.
"Get back!" She screamed, holding out her hands and making te ground shake.
A peice of a building cracked and fell in the direction of the three superhumans.

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