Jay disappeared and reappeared above Raven, he fell onto her, grabbing her hair as they fell to the ground. Raven elbowed Jay and he lost his grip before Raven stood up straight. Marijn stood up in the crater and outstretched his arms then pulling them to his waist, whilst Raven and Jay fell into the crater and smacking into the rock. Hannah pulled out of the crator with the help of a giant bald eagle gasping its talons around her arms and flying to the ground. She helped James onto the ground and stood up. Pheonix took out her staff and proped it up so she could climb to the wall as the Knight kneed Shadow in the face and she fell backwards. Shadow disappeared into smoke and the Knight was pushed over by the invisable Shadow.
Jay went for a punch in Marijn's face but he grabbed the fist and pushed it back.
"The police are here!" Henry shouted through the com.
"Sh*t, come on James," Hannah nudged James and they mounted their motor bikes, still glowing green like Raven, Jay, Shadow and Marijn, driving off past a police truck with whining sirens.
"What about Jay?" James realized.
"Already teleported away, Shadow has disappeared but Raven, Marijn, Knight and Pheonix are still there,"
Pheonix took out a grappling hook and shot at a building roof and zipped after it with Knight grabbing on.
Raven split the ground into a tunnel and fell into it, the closing it up and escaping.
Marijn looked round slightly confused until pushing out his hands and pushing himself away from the Floor and then pulling himself towards a roof, landing and running away.
The police pulled up confused at the large crater and unsure what to do.