Chapter 1

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It was a bright sunny day in Konoha, most of the village is happy but there are a few in a world of hurt. One of these people is Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze and right he is sitting on top of the Hokage monument on the Sandaime head. This boy has a brilliant shade of golden hair, the brightest blue eyes and three whisker marks on each cheek. The reason we find him here right now is because this is he's favorite place to think . Today was a long and stressful day for him, it started...


Naruto just came back from his first c-rank turned a-rank mission. The mission was to guard a bridge builder and come but on the way they encountered Zabuza Momochi Demon of the Mist and his accomplice Haku, a guy who has the Hyoton bloodline but they took care of it . Now Naruto is standing in the Hokage's office with his team and sensei. His sensei, a jonin, Kakashi Hatake has just finished giving a report and made it look like I didn't even do anything and to make my life worse he puts all the praise to that teme sasuke and my twin sister Mito, at least Mito did something but Sasuke got knocked out at the beginning of the fight.

I look up to the Hokage . Minato Namikaze, the Yondaime of Konoha and also my biological father . 'How can you just sit there and agree with what he's saying ' I thought to myself . ' tch what a joke '

As soon as my sensei is finished the Hokage spoke up " good job team 7 you will have a one week break , you are all dismissed except for Naruto and Mito " he spoke sternly

He waited for the rest of my team to leave before he spoke again " good job , as a present for your first a-rank I will let you sign the toad summoning contract , would you like that Mito " he says with a smile. Mito nods with a massive grin on her face. This is what she has ever wanted ever since she began training as a ninja.

I watch the two with an impassive face , I don't want them to see the jealousy or the anger on my face , so I just stand there ... Watching .

The Yondaime then turns and looks at me "we will give you your present after dinner "  he says and I just nod . I don't expect much , ever since I could remember Mito always got the better gifts while I got second hand gifts or nothing at all, it was a stupid reason, or to me it was , something about a child of prophecy but what do I know I'm just a 13 year old kid

Namikaze estate after dinner

Mito-chan I have a gift for you " our mother says . Kushina Uzumaki is our mother , she has red long red hair and violet eyes and a angular face , people say that my sister looks exactly like her while I look like my father . Kushina takes out a sword with a whirlpool symbol imprinted on the hilt , it looks like a katana but I don't really care

When she turns to me she spoke with a happy voice " our gift to you is you get a new room , it's bigger than your old one and is right next to mine " I nod my head in acknowledgement before walking out the estate

Flashback end

Now we find young Naruto on top of the sandaime's head . " why do they treat me like this , what did I do that was so wrong , they can't even buy me a proper gift . I know I have the kyuubi but I haven't even used its power . Do they think that I'm not good enough to be a shinobi " He whispered to himself sadly . Tears were flowing slowly from his face , he quickly wipes them away . ' the village doesn't like me , my own family barely even now I exist, that was the only gift they've given me, the fact that they train Mito to control me if I use kurama's chakra means that they have no faith in me and they don't want to train me to use it, or train me at all. I think I should just leave ' he thought to himself.

Suddenly he got a great idea ' yeah , I could leave to one of those Bending Nations I read about , not a lot is known about them but that doesn't matter , I could have a new life '
With those thoughts Naruto went home to pack all his belongings into a storage scroll, he doesn't have a lot because most of the villagers won't sell to him because of kurama but he has a few jutsu scrolls and scrolls on training elemental affinities . He also packed a few pairs of clothes

As he was about to open the door that leads outside the estate he heard someone call him " where are you going " the voice was soft and female . He turned around to see his family looking at him in confusion. ' now they care ' he thought . " I'm going outside for a walk " I didn't wait for a reply I just went on my way.

As soon as I got outside I made a blood clone so people wouldn't get suspicious of where I went, I gave the blood clone the mission to continue living my life . I used a shunshin to get 5 km outside of the village and I carried on running to Wave country .

Arrived in Wave a day later and found Tazuna the bridge builder. " do you know if there are any boats the the Bending Nations " I asked , since this is the place where I first learnt of the Nations. " there is a boat and it leaves in about an hour at the docks " Tazuna replied slowly since he was a bit tipsy from his drinking. " thanks old man , see you later" I said. I ran to the docks before he could recognize me and booked a ticket .

'Now all I have to do is wait for 3 months and then I'll be in the Bending Nations and I'll be free to live a knew life ... ' we're my final thoughts before I fell asleep

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