Chapter 2

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3 months later ...

Naruto just arrived at the Bending Nations , more specifically a fire nation island called ember island . He stepped out if the boat with a smile on his face .

The three months went by quick for him. He had a lot to keep him occupied. He's been training in his taijutsu and speed at night when everyone is asleep and during the day he would study about the bending countries .

So far he's learned that they are in a war, apparently some guy named fire lord Sozin thought it was a good idea to start a war by wiping out an entire race of air nomads by using a comet that is later named after him .

He also read about some guy named the avatar who had control 4 elements.

But enough about that, today is the first day of his new life , free of his past.

The first thing he decided to do was go see the beach and meet new people so he changed into his beach clothes , which was just swimming trunks

He looked around the beach and found people playing a weird game, so naturally he decided to join in ... BIG MISTAKE.

Naruto stood inside and watched as a cute girl with a guy next to her , a girl with a long ponytail and a girl who looked bored out of her mind were planning. It sounded like a battle plan with how That cute girl was saying it.

Naruto's team didn't even stand a chance and that cute girls last move even created a miniature mushroom cloud.

" today is the best day ever !!!" He exclaimed loudly . " ohh , and why is today such a great day" asked a feminine voice. His eyebrow started twitching when he thought someone was about to Ruin his day . When he turned around his breath hitched and he had a faint pink tint on his cheeks. He saw the same cute girl that beat his team and she was around his age with black hair that was tied in a neat bun and she had two thin bangs framing the side of her heart shaped face and she had mesmerizing amber eyes that were staring into his own blue ones . He noticed that she was wearing a swimsuit of some kind .

" h-hi , my name is Naruto Uzumaki nice to meet you " he stuttered with a smile . "Azula " she replied with confidence " now why is today so great ?" She asked . his smile faltered " it's a long story " he said trying to avoid the subject.

Azula P.O.V

I saw he was trying to avoid the subject so I let it slide . His clothes were different from the rest so I knew he was not from around here ." Are you new here " I asked . He looked at me nervously while scratching the back of his head " y-yeah I just got here a few hours ago, why . "
" I noticed how different your clothes are from the rest , so I was just curious " I replied. He seemed to take a thoughtful expression and it looked cute with those whisker marks on his face , I just wanted to touch them but I restrained myself.

He's thoughtful expression turned into a mischievous smile

I suddenly feel a arm around my waist
"Ah so the beautiful lady wants to know more about the handsome stranger ,  this sounds like a romance novel " naruto said

"Azula!!!" I heard Ty Lee scream my name when I turned around i saw her , my brother Zuko, Mei and my uncle iroh. They all stopped when they saw the person behind me .
" who's your boyfriend Azula ? " Ty lee asked happily . She was also inspecting him from head to toe

I felt my face heat up and I quickly got out of Naruto's hold and sent him a quick glare
"This is Naruto Uzumaki, he is new here and more importantly he is not my boyfriend. Naruto this is Ty lee , Mei , my brother Zuko and my uncle Iroh " she said

They all continued to exchange greetings. I heard Naruto ask if we could show him around because he didn't want to get lost and we accepted

Back in Konoha

We find the fourth Hokage sitting behind his desk in his office. He hasn't been the same since his son left, nobody in his family has . The day they figured out he left it was like a flip had been switched


It was a month after he left and month until the Twins' birthday and Minato needed to get a present for them . He knew he his going to give his daughter the Toad summoning contract because he thought she was ready , but when he thought of his son he frowned . He didn't know what his son liked , now that he thought about it he hasn't seen his son in a Month 'I'll have to ask Kushina about it ' he thought

Namikaze estate

When he got home he found his wife in the kitchen making dinner ." Ohayo Kushina, I've been thinking, you know how it's the twins birthday coming up , what should we get for Naruto." Kushina looks at him in a thoughtful face and then it quickly changes into horror " l-l don't, i don't even know what he likes ." She starts crying at the end of her sentence. Minato quickly hugs her " I have a perfect gift , we'll invite him to train with us and Mito , it'll be the perfect gift for him ." He says in a calm voice . " yeah " was the reply he got . Before anyone could say anything Mito ran through the door and stopped directly in front of them " kaa-San , tou-San we had a team meeting today and nii-San didn't come , we looked for him but we couldn't find him in the village ." Mito said while panting "is he ok?"

Minato and Kushina just looked worried " I don't know if he's ok but I will tell anbu to look for him " and with that Minato dissapeared to his office

A few hours later

"Hokage-Sama , your son is nowhere to be found in the village , we had the best sensors and trackers and they have confined that he left ."
With this said Kushina burst into tears for not getting to know her own son and not being able to see him again

"It's ok Kushina we'll see him again"
" hawk , get a hyuuga, aburame, inuzuka and kakashi hatake, tell them it's an s-rank mission to find my son " the Hokage ordered

When everyone left he shed a single tear

Flashback end

That was three months ago , in the whole three months they haven't found a single trace of him , like he just dissapeared , he always wondered how a genin could escape jiraiya's spy network and all the missions set to finding him

Back on ember island

We find out blond friend sleeping in a house with the rest of his newly acquired friends that he found . Today was interesting for him , he found out that they don't know how to use chakra, or what it is. He showed them a demonstration by climbing a tree with just his feet and they were looking at him in awe

It's been a week since he got here and he honestly thought he was gonna enjoy it . Thinking about the week he couldn't help but think that he found a weird bunch of friends. Ty lee was a acrobat and kept talking about auras , he thought Mai had no personality, zuko was chill unless he got into a argument with azula , and azula ... Well he didn't know what to think , she was competitive , sometimes bossy , she was a great tease  and she was pretty .

' I'm sure I'm going to enjoy it here ' were his last thought before sleep claimed him

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