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"Can you tell me where we are going?" I begged as he drives along small thin roads.
"It's a surprise!" Joe replies. He replies with the same thing every time I ask.
"We're here!" Joe says as he pulls up outside a old farm. We walk inside and I'm a bit let down, I try not to show it by holding Joe's hand as he walks me in. We walk towards a old wooden barn and I swear I can hear something!
"Joe!!? What's going on?" I ask, he carries my in on his back and a bunch of people jump out at me and shout:
"surprise!" I'm smiling. I've got a smile on my face that I  can not remove.
"Huh?!" I laugh. There's a bunch of people just jumped out at me in a dark empty wooden barn. I'm confused! They all lift me up so I'm on my back facing a broken ceiling as I get carried somewhere. I'm told to close my eyes; as I do so, I can hear music. I get placed down on the floor, I'm told to look down and open my eyes. Joe pulls my head up as my family that lives in Australia shout:
"surprise!" I'm crying! I fall two the floor.
"OH MY GODDD!" I don't know what to do. I'm just on my knees crying! Mum and Dad come over, pull me up and give me a huge hug. I pull them close, and squeeze them so hard I think they nearly died!
"What?!" I say as I wipe my tears away.
"Well, Joe asked us to come over to surprise you!" Mum tells me.
"He payed for our plane tickets and everything!" Dad butts in,
"Oh my god Joe!" Joe is crying too! We're all emotional wrecks!
I run over to my younger sister who I haven't seen for 15 years, she looks so grown up! Even Nan was here, I run over to her in her wheelchair. I hug her tightly. Last week was Nan's birthday, now 87. She's a good woman!
We all spoke for a while, including Joe. We all dance to the music in this pastel decorated barn.
"Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I got your family a hotel room in the hotel across the road from our apartment. They're staying for 4 weeks!" Joe says as if it's no biggy. I squeeze Joe so hard and he kisses me on my neck.
Soon it was getting dark so my family headed to their hotel and we headed an back to our apartment.

Kiss me Joe| A Joe Sugg FanFic❤️Where stories live. Discover now