'It could be broken' I think to myself. So I wait 5 minutes and take another one.
'No?' I think to myself,
"Lovey, you alright in there?" Joe shouts in.
"Yeah!" I reply. I wait 10 minutes this time.
I let out a loud sob and drop the test. I fell to my knees then onto by back, pulling my knees into my chest. I drag myself across the bathroom into the wall and lye there for a while.
Joe at this point is bashing the door with his fist trying to get in to see if I'm okay.
"Open up! OPEN UP!" Joe yells at me. I move to unlock the door and he barges in.
"What's wrong?!" Joe pulls me in so tight; but I like it.
I hand him the 3 tests that are all positive.Joe starts crying with happiness; I'm still crying but I'm not sure wether it's happiness or sadness. I think it's a bit of both.
"We've got to go to the doctors babe!" Joe pulls me out of the hug and kisses me on the lips.
He took my arm and helped me to the bedroom to get changed into comfy clothes and wipe off my makeup and put on a bit of concealer.
Joe and I were silent through the whole car journey. He signed me into the doctors whilst I took a seat, the only seat left was next to an old man having a full on coughing fit.