It Was Her

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Writer's Note: sometime where well....ughh!! How do I say this? When Jae starts speaking, please read with the music above. Keep the music playing till the end. Have fun!

"I feel like we will never find love!" Diane's voice rings throughout the store, "And David barely hangs out with us anymore."
"That's cause she's with Kris." Alex calmly explains while checking out a blouse.
"Buy still, we're her friends she can't just forget us." Diane frowns.
"Oh darling! If I had a guy like Kris, I'd forget my own name. Let alone whatever friends I have." Alex states trying a scarf on Diane, "she'll come back soon, don't worry."
"I know...." She says looking at the floor in thought, "but that doesn't change the fact that left us in the first place, and that we're hopeless in finding love."
"Correction honey!" Alex tsks fixing his hair, "You're hopeless. I on the other hand.....have my eye on someone."

                            David's (POV)

Oh shit! What should I say? What lie do I make up now?

"Where are they?" Kris's voice rings in my ears like a fire alarm on repeat, "Our winter department called, they need their files back."
Damn those winter files. Why did I have to lose them in the first place?
"Don't tell me you lost them?" He looks at me sternly.
"Lost? What lost? Hey I do not lose things! I know exactly where they are. I'm gonna go....find the- I mean get them. And deliver it myself to the department." I confidently lie and make my way to the door.
"You better do that. Unless you wanna be buried in my backyard." He smirks. Why? Why is it the always the backyard?
"Ahahah!" I fake laugh, "So.....F U N N Y."

Where the hell are you? You stupid winter files! Once I find you, I'll burn you! But wait.....I need to deliver you........I'll make a copy and then BURN you! Hahahahah! I look like a mad scientist taking pleasure in someone's pain.

I give up! I don't know where they are. I searched my desk, the book shelf, the sofa, the magazines, I looked behind the book case, and inside the AC. Where are they? Are they under the floor tiles? No, how would they even get there? That's what I say to myself, yet I end up on the floor frantically feeling the tiles.

D: Hello?
M: David, it's me, Mia.
D: Oh! What's going on? How are you by the way?
M: I'm.....okay. Listen, could you pass to our house today? We have something urgent to discuss.
D: Aha.....sure.
*somewhere in the distance Kris calls David, "Did you find them?" *

D: How about I come now?
M: That'll be great! See ya.
*call ends*

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" Kris pops up behind making me jump.
"Yesssss.....I already......delivered them." I lie again. "Look Kris I gotta go now."
"Where?" He asks crossing his arms as if wanting me to ask permission.
"To meet your sister." I tell him annoyed.
"I'll drop you." He tells me, "I have something to do back home anyway. Let's go!" He takes my hand and pulls me along.

The door to their grand house opens and Mia greets me, "David!" She exclaims "and...Kris."
"Yeah yeah! Skip the hellos." Kris pushes himself through the door and walks to a part of the house I can no longer see.
"Why did you bring him?" She whispers leading the way.
"Why? What's wrong?" I whisper back curiously.

"I've been having that dream again." Jae speaks and her hands start to shake, her eyes turn misty and I do not like this atmosphere, "Since yesterday, again and again and again." Mia holds her mother's hands trying to calm her.
"You mean.....the one where..." I pause to think, "Kris dies?"
They both look at me worriedly, "Yes," Jae answers, "Only this time, it was more intense. I could feel the pain, the tears, the rain that fell. I've experienced something similar to that only once." She looks at the floor and I could slightly see the tears forming in her eyes, "When I saw my mother's death.......That was the only time my visions had any emotion to it."

It's Not My Style (EXO Kris fanfic) [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now