Cowardice (Non-Fiction)

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She had been heartless once.

She had broken someones heart in the worst way possible; well, in one of the worst ways..

She wasn't even sure how it had happened..everyone suddenly assuming they had gotten together as a couple. Seriously, when had that happened? Was it when she went over to his house and played video games with him? Or maybe it was when he had come to her house and they watched anime in her room, and right before he left, he had kissed her. That had to be when..

But, she couldn't tell him the truth for a long time..and when she did, it wasn't face to face as it should be for everyone. No, she was a coward and suddenly texted him "I don't actually like you like that.." when they were making plans to hang out again.

Horrible, right? He then didn't show up at school for three days, and for a while after, all her friends treated her differently and gossiped about it. So, she kept quiet and let them do what they wished, never telling anyone that she had only gone along with it because she had felt peer pressured with all of their assumptions.

She couldn't stop there though, right? A year after high school was done with, he started talking to her again through Facebook, sometimes-though rarely- Skype, and she liked having someone to talk with.

They were so alike it was almost terrifying, but she liked having someone so much like her and able to understand some of the things that would pass through her mind.

He admitted that he still liked her and would for a long time, but added that he knew she wouldn't feel the same way and that he was ok with that.

She was glad he understood, but was hurt that he was willing to stay in the friendzone instead of looking for someone else. Maybe he was..she had never actually asked him.

As they stopped talking more and more, she started talking more and more with someone else through Facebook, whom was close in age to her and friends with her older sibling. He wasn't exactly like her and he was hurting because her older sibling didn't like him the way he liked her, so she did her best to comfort him.

Maybe she was being too nice and not speaking her mind enough, or maybe she needed to think about what impact her words could have on others.. He had confessed that he was starting to like her, but what should she do? Well, for starters, she made the wrong move of not going on Facebook anymore and not replying to him. Wasn't she great? She was such a wimp that she couldn't even say to the guy that she didn't like him like that..but she was scared.

She had hurt one guy so badly he had cried and that had gotten all her friends to not like her for a long time.. Well, what friends did she have now to get mad at her if she told the truth? None. So what was the harm?

The harm was making him hurt worse than he already was.. Maybe he was just looking too deeply into her words on the screen..after all, you can't hear how someone is saying something through a screen..

But what now? It had been more than a week and she still had yet to reply to him; to let him know for sure what her answer was.

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