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Sybbie awoke in a puddle of sunlight and the birds chirping loudly on her windowsill. She smiled, rubbed her eyes, and drew her Curtains. The sun seeped into her room as she pulled the bell. Within moments, Anna was at her side.

"What would you like to wear today, Miss?" Anna asked, gesturing to the wardrobe.

Sybbie stared at the wardrobe for a moment.

"I think rather I like this one." She said, pointing to a rose pink frock.

"Very well," Anna said, pulling the dress from the hanger, "I'll just get your white button up and some socks."

Anna got Sybbie ready in 5 seconds flat and curled her hair into soft curls as Sybbie requested. She took a pink bow and pinned it to the side of her head and helped her into her sweater.

"Thank you!" Sybbie smiled, and bounced down the stairs.

She entered the breakfast room and sat beside her aunt. Mary looked at her wearily. Sybbie's smile, that was usually plastered on her face on a daily basis, faded as her aunt stared at her. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat and uneasily reached for a slice of toast.

"Is there something I could help you with?" Sybbie asked her aunt.

"Yes, actually," Mary grumbled, "George seemed quite upset last night, and I was wondering if you knew anything about it?"

Sybbie gulped. Her cheeks began to burn as she sighed.

"I asked him if he bustled about everywhere, and I fear he may have taken it the wrong way." She said sadly.  "I really didn't mean it."

Mary smiled and rubbed her arm.

"George tends to take things to personally," she chuckled, "As his father did. He'll be grumbly for a few days, but he'll get over it. It happens many times with him."

Sybbie breathed a sigh of relief.

"Good! I thought he'd never forgive me!"

Mary and Sybbie chatted about bits and bobs of topics until some other family members trickled in. Tom sat at one head of the table, and Robert at the other. Marigold and Edith sat opposite of Sybbie and Mary.

"Where is George at, Mary?" Robert asked his eldest daughter, sipping at his tea.

"I presume he's still in bed or getting ready." She said simply.

Robert nodded and turned back to his meal. They munched on their food for a few moments; all hungry. Sybbie was mid bite of her bagel when Cora came bursting through the door.

"George is missing." 

Sybbie choked on her bagel. A surge of nervousness flowed through her body as she began to panic.

"What do you mean missing!?" Sybbie exclaimed, quite panicked.

"Nanny can't find him anywhere. I've organized the downstairs staff to search while we help." Cora rambled.

Instantly, Sybbie blamed herself.

"It's all my fault." She whimpered, "I made him cross last night."

Mary hugged her niece tightly.

"Don't blame yourself darling, it isn't your fault, surely."

Sybbie's face brightened as she jumped up from her seat.

"I know where he's at!" She ran out of the room and into the gardens. Everybody followed closely behind her.

"Where are you going!?" Mary called out, chasing after her.


Sybbie pushed the gate open to the garden and swung herself onto the lower branch swiftly. Her family watched in disbelief; though Marigold smiled to herself.

"Get down this instant young lady!" Roberts voice boomed.

Sybbie continued to climb the tree with little effort.

"Girls don't rough house!" Mary chimed in.

Marigold took this into thought and ran to the tree. She placed herself on a low branch, not as smoothly as Sybbje had done. Robert was infuriated. Edith smiled, proud of her daughter. Marigold climbed slower than Sybbie, but made her way up the tree.

"Have you all gone mad!?" Robert exclaimed, rubbing his head, "Little girls do not climb trees!"

"But I've found him!" Sybbie yelled out, "George is up here!"

Sybbie pushed herself up to the final branch and sat across from George. Where he was, he was concealed by the leaves. Marigold was still pulling herself up the branches, slowly making her way to her cousins.

"Why'd you hide away, George?" She asked softly, examining his tear stained cheeks.

"Nobody ever pays attention to me," He sniffled, "And you were mean to me!"

Sybbie sighed.

"I didn't mean it. I was only trying to make conversation, and I was stupid and didn't think before I spoke." She apologized.

"Really?" He whispered.

Sybbie handed him her handkerchief so he could wipe away his remaining tears.

"Really." She smiled. "Why don't you come down and we can start over?"

Marigold sat on the branch, finally reaching her destination.

"Okay." He smiled as they began to climb back down.

"But I just got up here!" Marigold exclaimed.

Sybbie and George laughed as they jumped down.

On the ground, George extended his hand out to her, and Sybbie gladly shook it. The family smiled as they hugged.

"Let's start over." George said, "Properly this time."

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