T: "Hey I'm bored."
S:" I'm in class can we talk later?"
T: "I'm in class too
T: "What school do you go to
T: "I'm bored talk to me."
S: "No!! You are going to get me in trouble"
T: "no I'm not, please
S: "Are you ever going to stop texting me"
T: "Not until you answer my next two questions and the one I ask before"
S:" Fine, I go to Phellis high what else"
T: "Me too weird what do you look like?"
S:" blue hair lip and nose piercing next"
T: "Do you have lunch next?"
S: "yes"
T: "same"
RandomOk, this was a joke between a friend and I and I decided to make a book. So it might be bad but it's supposed to be funny. ps I wrote this freshman year