Chapter 1

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Sophia's POV

I wake up to the sound of knocking on my bedroom door. "Happy Birthday," I hear my dad's voice say as my eyes adjust to the lighting. "I thought we agreed to no presents?" I ask, sitting up in my bed.

"Well the one from me it's not wrapped, so it doesn't count," He says, thrusting a pink camera in my face. "That's great, thanks daddy," I say as I take the camera, looking it over. "Uh it goes with this one from your mom, we coordinated...well she coordinated with me," He tells me, handing me a wrapped present with a big purple bow on top.

"It's to put your pictures in, of senior year. You and Bella got the same thing...hope you don't mind," He says as I unwrap the present. "Senior year. How'd you get so old so fast?" He sighs as I jerk my head up at him calling me old.

"I didn't. It's not that old," I scowl at him, my brows furrowed.

"Well I don't that a grey hair?" He asks as he touches a spot on my head. I jump up from my bed. " way," I mutter as I look in my mirror.

I let out a sigh of relief, not seeing any grey hairs. "Happy Birthday," Dad says with a smirk, his hands up in surrender as he slowly backs out of my room. "That's real funny," I fake laugh as he shuts my door behind him. Going over to my closet, I pick an outfit and set it on my bed before going to take a shower.

After I finish my shower, I start on my hair and makeup. Doing a natural look for my makeup, my hair in a cute high ponytail, the sides braided. I get dressed before grabbing my backpack and walking down the stairs. "Happy Birthday twin," I say as I see Bella sitting at the table finishing breakfast. "Happy Birthday to you too," She says I lean down giving her a hug from behind. I grab an apple and a bottle of water from the fridge. "I'll see you at school. Bye, dad!" I say loudly as I near the door, hearing them say their goodbyes back to me. I get in my Jeep, heading off to school.

I pull into the school parking lot, seeing an open space close to Mike, Jess, Angela, and Eric. I get out of my Jeep, the door closing with a slam. "Today's the big day Sophie," I hear Jess say to me making me look up from my shoes.

I give her a puzzled look. "The R&J essay?" She asks me, guessing that I forgot. I nod my head. "Oh yeah," I say, subtly scratching my cheek in nervousness. "Wherefore art thou Sophie," Mike says in a weird voice, almost making me cringe.

"Hey, let me take a picture of you guys. My mom wants me to like make a scrapbook full of memories," I say as I see them huddle together. "Oh cool," I hear Mike say. "I take them, I'm not in them," Angela says making a face, and taking a step back from the group.

"You'll photoshop this if my nose looks big right?" Jess asks, her vain self coming back. Some people never change. I snap the picture.

"That's good," I say. "Now could you take one of Jess, Angela, and I?" I ask Eric who nods his head. We huddle together, their arms on my waist, my arms resting over their shoulders. "Smile," Eric says. I tilt my head a little, smiling wide.

"So cute," Eric fake gushes in a girly voice, handing me back my camera. I look at it, nodding my head. "Not bad girls," I say before Mike interrupts me. "Oh good, Cullen's here," He says sarcastically making me turn my head around, to see that he was right.

"Dang," I hear Eric say, checking out Edward's new car. "Well we'll catch you later," Jess says as Mike grabs her hand, all of them walking away. I nod my head.

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