Chapter 14

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The air grew with silence as both Morgan and Justin just stared at one another.

"Funny," Morgan spat, her eyes hard upon his. "You had no problem playing with me at the club-"

"Just like you had no problem playing with me in your room. Face it Morgan, we're both to blame for this mess." 

"You mean you are to blame." Morgan corrected him. "I never wanted to be taken. I never asked for this. You were the one who took it upon yourself to practically kidnap me."

"Doesn't look like you minded these past few days. You had plenty of times to run." Justin cocked a brow, interested to know how she'd get herself out of this one.

"Nice." Morgan muttered. "There was no point in trying. James would end up grabbing me like always."

"Not this time. You had a clean slate. You could have found a way, but you decided to stay. Face it Morgan, you don't want to go."

"Now, what would make you think that?" Morgan huffed, her hands on her hips now as Justin smirked.

"Because if you wanted to, you could nail be in the crotch right now and be on your way but instead you decide to go on and on with this little game that started."

"That YOU started." Morgan corrected him once again before rolling her eyes. "And you know damn well if I tried to do that, you would yell for James to catch me so yet again Justy boy, you're wrong."

"You keep coming up with these excuses, and it really fascinates me." Justin pestered the thought playfully, waiting for Morgan to say something.

"Then let me go." Morgan ordered, crossing her arms across her chest, anger evident in her face as Justin sighed.


"Why the fuck not?" Morgan slammed her hands against his chest, the anger getting the best of her. "This is complete bullshit!" She screamed. "I want to go home. You can't keep me here forever!"

"Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe I don't want you to go for a reason?" He pressed his lisp together, keeping himself from going any further as Morgan calmed herself down, now more confused then ever.

"I know the god damn reason. Because I'm a 'challenge' but don't you think that's getting a bit old?" Morgan scoffed. "You want a challenge? Here I am! I'm giving it to you!" 

"You're giving me games. Games I don't want to play anymore." Justin pushed her away as he opened a drawer and grabbed a shirt for himself as he pulled it on.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Morgan’s brows furrowed together as she sighed deeply, tired of fighting.

"I don't want to play this game anymore. The me and you going at each other with plans of seduction. It's going to lead us no where."

"Then why don't you let me go?"


"Because what?!" Morgan yelled, so aggravated with everything. She was stuck in this god damn house for so long, it was beginning to get tiring and the fact that he wouldn't let her go was growing on her nerves even more.

"Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, I kept you here because I wanted to? With no strings attached?" Justin turned around, looking at her. "I want you. You interest me and quite frankly, you're not just some girl. You got something going on that I haven't quite found out yet."

Pressing her lips in a straight line, Morgan ran a hand through her hair. "But that still doesn't explain why exactly you're keeping me here."

"Maybe this will help." Justin moved closer to her, his hand cupping her cheek and before Morgan could process what happened, Justin's lips meshed with hers in perfect sync.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, Morgan pulled him closer, deepening the kiss even further as he slipped his tongue into her mouth and before they knew it, they began to fight for total dominance amongst one another.

Slowly pulling away, Justin pressed his forehead against hers. "You don't understand. . ." He licked his lips. "How long I have wanted to do that."

"We've kissed before." She breathed out, her lips burning with passion as she bit down on it, careful to not press their lips together once more.

"But that was just part of the game," He pulled her chin up, his thumb tracing the outlining of her lips slowly. "This one was real."

Finally coming back to reality, Morgan pushed against his chest, pushing him away before taking a step back, her hand to her forehead. "That wasn't supposed to happen."

Pulling his lips into his mouth, his brows furrowed, Justin sucked in his lips into his mouth, confused as to what's going on. "But it did. . ."

Shaking her head, Morgan took a deep breath, letting out as she ran a hand through her hair. "That was a mistake-"

"Didn't seem like a mistake to me." He cocked his head to the side, his eyes scanning her face for answers.

"Well it was to me." Morgan snapped, her eyes thin sleets piercing into his before she sighed and looked away. 

"I can tell your lying by the way you can't look me in the eyes. You want me, just admit it." Justin walked over to her, standing just a few centimeters away from her body.

"It's not about admitting that I want you it's the fact that I wanted to kiss you that scares me." Morgan avoided his gaze as she looked away, her toes fumbling against the floor as she awkwardly scratched the back of her neck.

"You have nothing to be scared of." His breath clashed against her skin, making the hairs on her skin rise like those on a porcupine back.

Looking up, Morgan cleared her head of any thoughts before slipping her hand onto his neck and pulling him in for another kiss, their lips meshing together instantly without hesitation from either of them.

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