The Dilemma

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Harry's POV

Steph left during the night last without saying goodbye or anything. Not that I'm complaining. I wasn't look forward to a surprise "night cap" if you know what I mean. Wait, me.. Harry styles,, not wanting sex? This is a new one. I think it might be kaylee. She has such an effect on me. She's so pure and innocent and that's what I love most about her. I would've continued to think about Kaylee but my thoughts were interrupted by the vibration of my phone.

Dimp: hey Curly, what's up? (:

Just seeing "Dimp" at the top of my iPhones screen made my heart flutter.

Me: oh nothing. About to fly to New York actually. Steph left last night unexpectedly and I need to talk to her. You?

I felt the urge to tell Kaylee the reason I was going to talk to Steph but I don't have the courage..

Dimp: Darn, I was wanting to hang out with you guys. :(

Me: I'm sorry, Dimp. You still love me right? (;

I got kind of nervous sending that text. Don't ask me why.

Dimp: of course I love you, but I love your curls more. :) but I gotta go shower. Tell the guys to come over okay? (:

Me: sure babe. xx

I need to get to New York ASAP.

Kaylee's POV

I come out of the shower and get dressed. I head downstairs and see four of my best friends faces. I direct my eyes towards Zayn.

"Hey, I need to talk to you." I say. By my expression he knew it was serious. He got up off the couch, took my hand and lead me to my bedroom. We sat how we usually did. Him sitting up with his back against the wall and me lying down with my head in his lap. I was looking at him but he was looking at my hair as he entwined it in his fingers.

"Zayn, I think I need to go on a date." I finally manage to say.

"If you really feel like you should then get out there and find someone. I'll take you to the mall, you'll find a cute guy and set a date!" He says with a smile. I know yes only saying this because he knows I'm stressing about Harry.

At that we hop in the car and head towards the mall. Zayn stays there with me but is in disguise. I finally get the courage to talk to this guy. His name is Zach. And we have a date tonight. We're going to meet at this 50's diner at 7. Zayn takes me home so I can get ready. But I'm really getting ready to get over Harry styles.

Harry's POV

I get to Stephs apartment around 1 o'clock.

*knock knock*

"H-Harry? What are you doing here?" She asks as she opens the door.

"We need to talk." I state. She lets me inside and I sit in her leather couch.. That I bought.

I hear her sigh as she sits across from me. "Harry it's over. I can't stand to let you go but I see the way you look at Kaylee and I just can't stand that you don't look at me like that."

"Well, I guess I'll be leaving now." I say getting up off the couch.

"You're not even going to fight for us?!" She says as I walk to the door.

"Not really," I open the door. "Bye Steph!" I shut the door and begin running to the cab. I need to get home. I need to tell Kaylee how I feel about her. Only 4 more hours til I'll see my beautiful Dimp. I can't wait.

*4 hours later*

It's 7:30. I'm home. I'm about to tell Kaylee I love her. I start to run Ito the house.

"Where's Kaylee?" I ask smiling like a fool.

"Uh, man. She's on a date. She left about a half hour ago." Liam tells me. What? Why? How? Who? All these question fill my head. I can't let the guys know I'm sad.

"Okay." I say with the darkest smile ever.

Thirty minutes later Kaylee comes through the door. My heartbeat picked up tremendously until I see that her eyes were puffy and red and her mascara was running down her cheeks. She was crying. At that I run up to her and wrap my arms around her. She wept into my chest, shakily. I pick her up.

"We'll be right back." I reassured them looking directly at Zayn who looked the most worried. I have to admit, in really jealous of his relationship with Kaylee.

I walked up the stairs and then into Kaylee's room. I laid her on the bed an went back to shut the door. I climbed into bed with her. I lifted her head onto my chest and wrapped my arms around her small frame and let her cry. When she calmed down I asked, "what happened Dimp?"

"I g-got stood up. He didn't show up. God, I'm such an idiot. I'm not dating ANYONE for a long time. Guys suck." She said. That hurt.. I don't suck. I know she didn't mean me but still. And now I can't even tell her I love her..

"It'll be okay and you're not dumb, Kaylee." I tell her. I begin to sing her to sleep like I know she likes. Once she's asleep I head downstairs.

"Louis, can I talk to you?" I ask.

We head to the basement.

"I love Kaylee." I blurt.

"Haha, well that part was obvious! When are you going to tell her?" He asks with a smirk.

"That's just it.. I can't. She just told me guys suck and that she's not Dating anyone for a long time.. I guess I'll just have to wait." I say.

We talk for awhile and eventually head back upstairs with the other guys. We start watching The Hangover when we hear footsteps on the stairs.

"Do you guys wanna move in?" Kaylee bluntly asks us.

In unison we yell, "yes!"


I hope you guys like it! Keep commenting, I lalalaloooooove feed back. ((:

Does anyone ship Karry? Or do some of you still ship Kaystin? (:

Comment your ships. 👇👇

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