Chapter Four

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*Jordan POV*

As I was thinking about how to get Candy in the water I noticed Sync always behind us.

"Hey do you see that guy from yesterday behind us?" I ask Candy. "Um yeah he's been doing that for a while now" She says

Great...How am I going to get rid of him then? I think to myself. We could hide somewhere and waits till he passes us, but I have a weird vibe off of him, like he's dangerous, I need to keep an eye on him more.

"okay Candy I need you to listen to me okay?" she nods her head and steps closer "well since someone is following us we gotta lose them, there's a room around the corner that we can hide in, so we we past the corner run to the room."  she nods and continues to walk around the corner and starts to run towards the door with me behind her. She finally gets the door open and I lock the door after us. I stand by the door and wait for him to pass and when he does I turn back to Candy. 

"Well seems like he's gone now" I say to Candy

"Why was he even following us anyway?" she asks me. I shrug my shoulders and begin to think, yesterday I saw a water sprite maybe he's another? And if he is I need to keep Candy away from him.

"So you ready to go watch the sunset then?" I ask Candy. She nods her head and unlocks the door and starts to walk down the hallway towards the deck. As I walk on the deck I see Sync standing besides the bar watching us. Great I thought I got rid of him apparently not. 

As we watch the sun go down I see Sync get closer to us, I stand up and walk to the railing and motions Candy over. She comes and just stared out to the ocean. I turn around and see Sync coming closer. I narrow my eyes and see that he has something in his hand. I stand behind Candy and keep on watching Sync. He suddenly in front of me and raised his arm to stab me, I kick his leg and push him back. I push Candy in the water and jump after her, I dive into the water after Candy and I feel myself transform and I grab her arm. I noticed she passed out and I pull her closer and whisper the spell to bring her back.


Authors Note!

Hey guys! sorry if it's shorter than usual. I promise i'll try to make he chapters longer! This chapter was kinda hard to write but my friend Jordan helped me out with it! He is a life saver! Well Bye guys see you in the next chapter! Oh and the next chapter will be in Candy's POV

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